Crypto Market and Regulations in Argentina and Brazil Trust Company Trust Company
7 min readDec 11, 2023

As the world pivots increasingly towards digital currencies, Latin America stands out as a region of growing significance. With its unique economic background and rapidly increasing digital adoption, this region’s cryptocurrency market presents stories of innovation, challenge, and opportunity.

Growing Crypto Market in Latin America

According to a report by Chainalysis, the cryptocurrency market in Latin America has shown remarkable resilience and growth. This region, which boasts the seventh-largest crypto economy globally, has seen its market value and adoption rates climb significantly over the past year. Brazil and Argentina are at the forefront of this surge.

As per the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance study, the median growth rate of crypto asset companies in these countries was nearly 50 percent between 2020 and early 2022. In Argentina, the demand for stablecoins like USDT has spiked, primarily attributed to the nation’s recent struggles with currency devaluation. In contrast, Brazil is more inclined towards Bitcoin and altcoins, reflecting a long-term investment and speculation trend.

This article delves into this burgeoning market, focusing on the economies of Argentina and Brazil and understanding their crypto-market dynamics and regulatory landscapes.

Argentina’s Cryptocurrency Surge

As Argentina navigates through its economic challenges, its cryptocurrency market is witnessing substantial growth and transformation. The recent Chainalysis report reveals that despite ongoing economic struggles, Argentina has surged ahead in Latin America with a staggering $85.4 billion in cryptocurrency transactions. Recently, the election of Javier Milei, a Bitcoin-friendly candidate, as president has fueled expectations of a more crypto-supportive environment. His victory led to a noticeable uptick in Bitcoin’s value, indicative of the market’s responsive nature to political shifts.

Developments of Crypto regulations in Argentina

In a decisive move, the Central Bank of Argentina took a stringent approach in 2022, prohibiting financial institutions from engaging in unregulated digital asset operations. In 2023, the Central Bank of Argentina further tightened the policy and banned payment providers from offering cryptocurrency transactions. These measures, aimed at minimizing the country’s exposure to digital assets in its payment system, reflect a cautious regulatory approach amidst a burgeoning crypto market.

Nevertheless, in July 2023, Argentina’s financial markets regulator, the National Securities Commission (CNV), took a progressive step by approving the country’s first Bitcoin-based futures contract. This groundbreaking decision highlights the regulator’s willingness to adapt to new technologies and the evolving financial landscape. The CNV’s action indicates the potential for regulatory balance, seeking to protect investors while embracing innovation.

The CNV’s recent discussions around creating a Registry of Virtual Asset Service Providers (PSAV) further demonstrate the country’s commitment to bringing clarity and structure to the cryptocurrency market. This registry aims to increase transparency and traceability in crypto transactions, addressing misleading advertising and investor protection concerns. The emphasis on operational security, public savings protection, and good corporate governance practices in registering and controlling PSAVs shows a nuanced approach to regulation.

Amidst these regulatory developments, a draft bill presented by the non-government organization Bitcoin Argentina highlights the urgent need for comprehensive legislation. This bill aims to balance legal security for companies and investors by preserving decentralization and user freedom in crypto. Its focus on curbing dishonest practices within the industry underscores the importance of fostering public trust and accountability in a rapidly evolving market.

These developments illustrate Argentina’s complex and multifaceted approach to cryptocurrency regulation, revealing a landscape that is as challenging as promising. As the country grapples with economic upheavals and political changes, its cryptocurrency market grows accordingly and adapts.

Brazil’s Crypto Market: Growth Amid Regulatory Changes

Turning our focus to Brazil, the scenario contrasts sharply with Argentina’s cautious regulatory approach. A Statista report indicates that Brazil’s cryptocurrency market is on an upward trajectory, with revenue projected to reach US$970.0 million by 2027, demonstrating an annual growth rate of 16%. And the user penetration is expected to surge 7% to 24.6% by 2027.

A recent article published by the Brazil Federal Revenue has revealed a pivotal shift in the country’s cryptocurrency landscape. Public data shows a significant transition from Bitcoin to a predominant use of stablecoins. This changing preference for transactional behavior is not just a trend but could also have potential implications for Brazil’s tax and regulatory approaches to digital currencies.

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In September, in response to the market dynamics, Brazil’s central bank governor, Roberto Campos Neto, emphasized the need for tighter cryptocurrency regulation and brokerage oversight. This initiative stems from Brazilians’ surge in cryptocurrency imports, which jumped by 44.2% from January to August compared to the previous year, totaling $7.4 billion. Campos Neto has raised concerns over potential tax evasion and illicit activities linked to cryptocurrencies, reflecting a shift in local demand towards stablecoins and their use as a payment method.

Brazil’s Crypto Framework

As these market trends and regulatory concerns came to the forefront in Brazil, a significant legislative response was already underway. In December 2022, Brazil enacted Law №14,478, known as the Legal Framework for Virtual Assets in Brazil (Cryptoassets Act), which came into effect on June 20, 2023. This legislation designates the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB) as the authority to regulate, authorize, and supervise Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) in the country.

The BCB’s role includes:

  • Monitoring all virtual asset providers.
  • Focusing on preventing scams related to cryptocurrency.
  • Establishing a licensing system for virtual service providers such as exchanges.

In addition, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) is tasked with guiding rules applicable to crypto-assets that are considered securities. This comprehensive legal framework aims to provide greater legal certainty for the sector, establish rights and obligations for VASPs, and ensure the protection of financial consumers.

For companies seeking to operate as VASPs in Brazil, compliance with the Cryptoassets Act is mandatory. The law requires VASPs to obtain authorization from the Brazilian Central Bank and adhere to Brazil’s Money Laundering Prevention Law, including KYC obligations. This regulatory oversight is expected to ensure the solidity of market players and foster the sustainable development of innovations in the virtual asset market.

The enactment also has profound implications for general investors. It offers a framework for consumer protection in virtual asset operations and enhances the security and integrity of virtual asset transactions. Investors are better protected against potential risks, and VASPs must adhere to a specific regulatory framework, ensuring legal compliance and bolstering investor confidence in the Brazilian cryptocurrency market.

Brazil and Argentina’s Distinct Approaches to Cryptocurrency

While both Brazil and Argentina are key players in the Latin American cryptocurrency scene, their strategies for embracing digital currencies show fundamental differences. In Argentina, the uptake of cryptocurrency, particularly stablecoins, has been largely driven by the need to mitigate the effects of rampant inflation. The high adoption of stablecoins can be seen as a response to the devaluation of the Peso, with people seeking refuge in what is essentially a digital equivalent of the Dollar. This trend underlines Argentina’s complex approach to cryptocurrency, shaped by economic necessity and the pursuit of financial stability in the face of currency volatility.

In contrast, Brazil presents a different scenario, where the government’s progressive stance towards cryptocurrency is aimed at leveraging technology for financial inclusion. Rather than a reactive measure of economic instability, Brazil’s cryptocurrency market is characterized by a structured and forward-thinking regulatory approach. Implementing comprehensive legal frameworks like the Cryptoassets Act demonstrates the Brazilian government’s commitment to harnessing digital currencies as tools for broader economic participation and security. Coupled with an increasing adoption rate and a shift towards stablecoins for transactional use, this approach indicates a market developing in sophistication and regulatory compliance.

Closing Thoughts

The contrasting approaches of Brazil and Argentina in the cryptocurrency domain highlight the diverse strategies nations can adopt while facing digital currency integration. Argentina’s response, largely reactive to its economic challenges and inflation woes, contrasts Brazil’s proactive and strategic approach to financial inclusion and regulatory stability. These divergent paths underscore the complexity and dynamism of the cryptocurrency landscape in Latin America. As the region grapples with economic, political, and technological shifts, the evolution of its crypto markets remains a study of adaptation and innovation for other regions to watch.

About Trust Company

GMO Trust connects traditional finance and blockchain technology for everyone. We issue GYEN, the world’s first regulated Japanese Yen stablecoin, and ZUSD, our trusted U.S. Dollar stablecoin. Visit our website to learn more.

This content is not financial advice and it is not a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instruments, FX trading, cryptocurrency or engage in any trading or other activities. You must not rely on this content for any financial decisions. Acquiring, trading, and otherwise transacting with financial instruments or cryptocurrency involves significant risks.
We strongly advise our readers to conduct their own independent research before engaging in any such activities. GMO Trust does not guarantee or imply that any cryptocurrency or activity described in this content is available or legal in any specific reader's location. It is the reader's responsibility to know the applicable laws in their country.


-- Trust Company Trust Company

Connecting traditional finance and blockchain technology for everyone. We issue GYEN, the first regulated JPY stablecoin, and ZUSD, a trusted USD stablecoin.