Stablecoins and the Dollar Dominance Trust Company Trust Company
5 min readAug 2, 2024

The U.S. dollar has long dominated the global economy, serving as the primary reserve currency for nations worldwide. Its stability and widespread acceptance make it a cornerstone of international trade and finance. Discussions surrounding the dollar’s global dominance have always been ongoing. This article will explore recent geopolitical changes and the rise of digital currencies, examining how these factors balance and influence the dollar’s dominant position.

The Importance of the U.S. Dollar in the Global Economy

Recent studies, including one by the Atlantic Council’s GeoEconomics Center, confirm that the U.S. dollar maintains its stronghold in global finance. The dollar continues to dominate foreign reserve holdings, trade invoicing, and currency transactions worldwide. Recent economic and geopolitical factors have further bolstered its position. These include a robust U.S. economy, tighter monetary policy, and heightened global risks.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), despite gradually diversifying foreign exchange reserves, the U.S. dollar still accounts for nearly 60% of global reserves. This trend underscores the dollar’s resilience and the ongoing confidence in its stability and liquidity. Beyond reserves, the dollar plays a crucial part in international trade, with over 80% of trade finance denominated in USD, as reported by SWIFT. The robust U.S. economy underpins the dollar’s status, the stability of U.S. institutions, and the liquidity and trustworthiness of U.S. financial markets.

Challenges to Dollar Dominance

Despite its entrenched position, the dollar faces challenges from various fronts. Geopolitical tensions, such as the trade decoupling between the U.S. and China, and the efforts of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) to reduce their reliance on the dollar, pose potential threats. Additionally, the IMF has noted a gradual shift towards nontraditional reserve currencies, driven by the desire for diversification and the development of new digital financial technologies.

However, significant obstacles prevent any immediate shift away from the dollar. It remains deeply integrated into global finance, and no alternative currency currently matches its liquidity and acceptance, according to a Vanguard article. Even as countries explore alternatives, the U.S. dollar’s infrastructure and historical momentum provide a strong foundation for its continued dominance.

The Relationship Between the U.S. Dollar and Stablecoins

Among the traditional challenges to dollar dominance, fiat stablecoins backed by the U.S. dollar, have emerged and influenced the dollar’s position. These digital assets enhance the dollar’s influence in several ways:

  • Expanding Dollar Accessibility: Stablecoin provides a new avenue for individuals and businesses to access dollar-denominated assets, especially in regions where obtaining U.S. dollars through traditional banking channels is challenging. As a recent FSB report indicated, in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs), where access to stable currencies may be limited, USD stablecoin offers protection against local currency volatility and high inflation. This expanded access further entrenches the dollar’s global role.
  • Facilitating Cross-Border Transactions: Stablecoin offers the potential for faster and more cost-effective cross-border payments and remittances compared to conventional banking systems. It promotes financial inclusion and reduces barriers, enhancing the dollar’s utility in international transactions.
  • Supporting DeFi Ecosystems: In decentralized finance (DeFi) markets, USD stablecoin serves as the primary medium of exchange and store of value, further cementing the dollar’s position at the heart of emerging financial technologies.

Challenges and Concerns on Stablecoins

In addition to the opportunities, the challenges that surround digital currencies have been the ongoing focus of authorities around the world:

  • Regulatory Concerns: The rapid growth of stablecoins has outpaced regulatory frameworks, raising concerns about financial stability, consumer protection, and the potential for illicit activities.
  • Financial Stability Risks: The failure or distress of a major stablecoin could have far-reaching consequences for the broader financial system, especially as the crypto ecosystem becomes more interconnected with traditional finance.
  • Data Gaps and Monitoring Challenges: The pseudonymous nature of blockchain transactions makes it difficult for regulators to monitor stablecoin activities effectively, particularly in cross-border contexts.

Stablecoins During Global Financial Turbulence

The past few years have tested the resilience of fiat stablecoins amidst global financial instability. Last year, the brief de-pegging of USDC during the 2023 U.S. banking crisis highlighted the vulnerabilities and strengths of stablecoins. Despite the incident, the stablecoin market has maintained stability. Data shows the volume of USD-backed stablecoin supply has increased since the pandemic, demonstrating stablecoins’ robustness and growth potential in turbulent times.

The Importance of Diverse USD Stablecoins

A diverse range of stablecoins enhances market stability through risk diversification, which could effectively reduce the impact of failure in any single stablecoin. Additionally, competition among issuers drives innovation, leading to improved efficiency and lower costs for users. Importantly, having various regulated stablecoin issuers ensures greater consumer protection through increased transparency and accountability. Different issuers may also cater to varied use cases and regulatory environments, fostering broader adoption and utility of stablecoins in various financial applications, from decentralized finance to cross-border payments.

Looking Ahead

The interplay between U.S. dollar dominance and the rise of USD stablecoins presents a complex picture of the future of global finance. While stablecoins may reinforce the dollar’s global role in some respects, they also introduce new challenges that require careful consideration and regulation.

As the landscape evolves, policymakers and market participants must navigate the delicate balance between fostering innovation and maintaining financial stability. The development of comprehensive regulatory frameworks for stablecoins, as recommended by bodies like the Financial Stability Board, will be crucial in harnessing their potential benefits while mitigating risks.


While the U.S. dollar’s global dominance appears secure for the foreseeable future, the rise of USD stablecoins adds a new dimension to this narrative. The importance of having multiple, regulated USD stablecoin issuers cannot be overstated, as it contributes to a more resilient, innovative, and secure digital financial ecosystem. As these digital assets continue to gain traction, their impact on the international monetary system and the dollar’s role within it will be a key area of focus for economists, policymakers, and market participants alike.

GMO Trust, as one of several regulated issuers of USD stablecoins, remains committed to fostering innovation in digital finance while adhering to the highest regulatory compliance and risk management standards. Our stablecoin, ZUSD, provides users with a secure, efficient, and transparent means of accessing the stability of the U.S. dollar in the digital asset ecosystem, contributing to the overall strength and diversity of the stablecoin market.

About Trust Company

GMO Trust connects traditional finance and blockchain technology for everyone. We issue GYEN, the world’s first regulated Japanese Yen stablecoin, and ZUSD, our trusted U.S. Dollar stablecoin. Visit our website to learn more.


This content is not financial advice, and it is not a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instruments, FX trading, cryptocurrency, or engage in any trading or other activities. You must not rely on this content for any financial decisions. Acquiring, trading, and otherwise transacting with financial instruments or cryptocurrency involves significant risks.

We strongly advise our readers to conduct their own independent research before engaging in any such activities. GMO Trust does not guarantee or imply that any cryptocurrency or activity described in this content is available or legal in any specific reader’s location. It is the reader’s responsibility to know the applicable laws in their country.


-- Trust Company Trust Company

Connecting traditional finance and blockchain technology for everyone. We issue GYEN, the first regulated JPY stablecoin, and ZUSD, a trusted USD stablecoin.