Building Strength,

One Step At A Time


The 69 stairs we climbed each day while in St. Thomas — from our house to our car.

At the start of 2019, I decided to focus on inner AND outer strength. Visiting the US Virgin Island of St. Thomas on spring break this past week with my family was humbling and provided me many opportunities to reflect on the meaning of this word. The people there clearly have strength and certainly know how to persevere because destruction in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria was evident everywhere we traveled.

But how does one actively pursue strength? Well, my journey is one in progress, but to date, I’ve learned one thing for sure. I must continue to focus on the positive, to see the positive as more than a possibility if I want to get stronger. That was easy this past week. I was in a warm, beautiful place with people I love and adore. What could be better, right? The beauty of the water, the beaches, the flowers, and the mountains around me made this task even easier. The landscape was breathtakingly beautiful! Even the iguanas were fascinating, in their own lizard-like way. Yet there was so much devastation; it was evident there’s still so much rebuilding that needs to happen.

In so many ways, this resembles my life. From the outside some may see nice things & think I have it all, wondering what could possibly be wrong in my world. But looks can be deceiving. Don’t get me wrong. I am so very grateful for all the blessings in my life — and there are many. But the Wim’s Tumor, chemotherapy, & radiation have also wreaked havoc on my body, so much more than what’s visible to the naked eye. This made me wonder… Is this similar to what the people in St. Thomas have faced? Have they chosen positivity over pessimism, over giving up?

One thing is for sure: gaining strength requires effort and a willingness to take risks. This past week I went snorkeling for the first time ever. In the ocean. Where sharks live. But I did it (even though I was scared OUT OF MY MIND), and I loved it! I saw hundreds of different fish, plants, coral, and even a turtle. It’s amazing to see all that’s happening below the surface of the water! It’s another world down there.

The view of the water from our deck in St. Thomas.

But as is the case in most areas of my life, I didn’t take this risk alone. Ben, Taylor, and Brandt were right there beside me every step of the way. They physically held me steady in the water so I could put on my flippers. They demonstrated how to breathe through the snorkel. They even guided me underwater, ensuring I didn’t get lost, pointing to all the cool plants and creatures they had already spotted.

You see I’m convinced that’s the secret. You must choose to surround yourself with people who empower you and give you strength. People who build you up in your darkest moments. People who gently nudge you to try new things, believing you are capable of more than you yourself may believe. People who encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, willing to step along with you. People who love you fiercely, no matter what. I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many people who do all these things for me!

Clearly I didn’t need to travel all the way to St. Thomas or go snorkeling to learn about strength. But the time with my family and the time spent reflecting was just what I needed to rejuvenate and reinvest in the next steps of my journey. So what does that mean? What do those next steps look like? Well, I can’t say for certain, but I do have some ideas.

Snorkeling reminded me that I love to swim. It’s good for me — physically and mentally, and if I want to take more vacations like this with my family, I have to take care of me. So exercise, sleep, the special diet — as hard as it is, and breaks from work are more than okay. They are necessary, and I should make them all priorities.

This time with my family also reminded me how important it is to be intentional with my time, especially with my husband and each of my boys, and even our parents, though they weren’t vacationing with us. At 17 and 20, my boys are, at times, talkers. I just need to make myself available and be willing to listen. Time with loved ones is precious, and it’s for this very reason that I treasure my vacation photos that capture some of our most magical moments.

Family Footprints

So as this spring break comes to an end, and we all return to our routines of daily life, I’m contemplating the word strength once again, wondering where I might find myself in another 3 to 6 months. Time will most certainly tell.

