Morfoloígia — What?

Katie Crane
GMWP: Greater Madison Writing Project
1 min readJan 21, 2017

Using the study of words to help students interpret another language

Once upon a time I remember learning little parts of words in Spanish class, such as tad and dad.
They taught me how to read and decipher words on my own. Gave me liberty — libertad. Took away my necessity to use a dictionary — necesidad.

They showed me how to understand — filled me with oso much.
I was no longer full of nerves — nerviosa but rather wonder — curiosa.

Now to watch my students as they are learning and growing.
What knowledge they are aprendiendo as their vocabulary is creciendo.

I see a change in my students as we peek into word meaning and make them adaptadas in our classroom.
They understand readings and recordings that are a little more complicados than before, antes.

Students are respondiendo and entendiendo more quickly than they were anteriormente.
They are aprendiendo and creciendo a little more than their antepasados were able.

They are lentamente forgetting about their desamor aprendiendo la gramática.
And one day, will be off into their own mundos soon to be desconocidos, numerosos, talentosos, y aficionados de la lengua de español.



Katie Crane
GMWP: Greater Madison Writing Project

Speak, Write, Listen, Read . . . now do it in another language. That is what we do in our classroom.