The Beginning of Change
(a continuation from August)

By Jen Brandl & Jen Parker

Jennifer Parker
GMWP: Greater Madison Writing Project
3 min readOct 30, 2020


FAST FORWARD to the end of September…

“Get a coworker you work well with,” exclaims Bryn Orum. A golden nugget indeed. As we carefully navigate our way through the nuances of our new teaching and learning experience, this statement has never been more true. Our partnership has weathered storms and basked in sunshine, but never before has it had to tackle the dynamic world around us. Dynamic on a scale that would have seemed incomprehensible a year ago. Yet here we are, everyday showing up to tackle what lies ahead. Right now, it seems to be the next few hours. That is what our world is demanding of us.

This pandemic demands more of us than either of us was prepared for. Teaching to a screen where all the videos have been shuttered and the silence is so deafening we want to scream. Having to adapt our tried and true lessons to a virtual world, losing some of the depth and complexity we strive for. Adding “Tech Support” to our already long list of responsibilities while we hope and pray our Google Breakout sessions don’t crash. Trying to provide meaningful feedback to help our students grow, fearful no one is reading or listening to it. Trying to support our own children, as they navigate their new learning environment, but feeling utterly helpless as we have to abandon them everyday to make sure other students have what they need. Feeling exhausted and stretched to our limits, but looking at the clock and knowing we have a whole other job that starts at 3:45pm ~ mom and wife. Putting our reality into words makes it look, and feel so daunting!

But, we are working through this together. Same ship. That is one of our husband’s motto. No matter what, you are on the same ship. Once you have found that coworker, board the ship. Pay whatever price and buy that ticket. As we crash through the waves of this pandemic, we are riding it out together. We continue to show up for one another, personally and professionally. Because let’s face it, we can’t be there for our students in the way they need us most, if we haven’t taken care of ourselves. Some days we share the load…other days one of us carries the heavier burden. No matter what, we are going to make sure that we both arrive on the other side of this school year intact. Maybe we will be a little more weathered. Hopefully we will be a little bit stronger. No matter what we will have departed, traveled, and conquered together, through the partnership we have forged.

