Product Support at Gnatta: What Does It Entail?

Tom Nicholson
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2018

When integrating any new system into your business, there are going to be hurdles to overcome that are unique to your business. But it’s always important to make the transition as seamless as possible. At Gnatta, it’s our objective to show you the benefits to making the switch first-hand and to prove that it was the right decision for your business. We’ll work with you to find the path of least resistance to avoid any negative effects on your operation that can sometimes occur with implementing new software. So what does the process look like?


Before you begin using our software day-to-day, we offer training for your users so they can get the best out of the product. Depending on what suits your business needs, training could include online webinars, training documentation and how-to guides, or even on-site support so you can get all your questions answered by one of our product experts. We understand that each business is different and, for this reason, we aim to be flexible in how we deliver the support to you. We’ll present you with all of your options and, once you’ve chosen what support looks like for your business, we’ll work with you to achieve what we’ve set out in your statement of work. The support journey doesn’t stop here though, your experience of using our software has only just started.

Implementation Plan

You’ve made the decision to start using Gnatta; you’ve received the necessary training on how to use Gnatta, and now you’re ready to make the transition. We’ll help you set out an implementation plan that suits you and is the least disruptive to your operation. As we said before, this could mean that we have dedicated support specialists on-site to help you along the way, or it could be as hands-off as a simple phone call to say, “we’re ready!”. At all stages throughout this journey, it’s key that the level of support what we can provide to you, is decided by you.

Updates & New Features

Now that we’ve transitioned you in to using Gnatta, what happens next? Right now, we have bi-weekly product updates, meaning we’re busy working away in the background to deliver new features and functionality into the core product. Following each of these releases, we’ll be in contact to introduce these updates to you and discuss how they could benefit your operation. We’ll always try our best to make sure that you understand exactly what each product update is about, which is also why we document these in the form of release notes.

Our release notes contain an overview of every update or bug fix that you can expect to find it’s way to your Gnatta domain. They often come along with an explanation of why we implemented the feature as well as possible use cases that aim to give you an idea of how the features could work for you.

Everybody likes progress, but not everybody likes change. Therefore, we provide the option of soft-launching new features, giving you valuable time to communicate and train these changes out to the operators who are using Gnatta day to day before they land on their screens.

With all these new features that we’re adding, comes continuous testing. We set up test environments which give you an early view of features before they make it to production. This means you can see first-hand how new features can enhance your experience of using Gnatta and even work on some of the configuration you’ll be implementing once they have been released.

24/7/365 Availability

With all the changes and with such frequent updates, it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that you may need to speak to us about making some changes to your configuration, or to suggest a change to the product, or even to report an issue. In this instance, we’re available 24/7/365. We’ll provide the channels for you to contact us in the way that you want to. Whether this is by logging in to our online help desk, via email, or a phone call to your account manager, we’re here to recognise your reason for reaching out to us and provide a timely resolution.

You can be assured that once you’ve decided to transition to Gnatta, we’re going to go the extra mile to ensure that you’re getting the most from the product. That’s our job. We know that if you enjoy using the product and can see the benefits for yourself, we’re doing something right.

