August 2019 — The Gnosis Monthly Development Update

Keeping up with the Gnosis developers

Eric Gorski
3 min readAug 1, 2019


Welcome to the August edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. At the beginning of every month, we will recap all the development progress we’ve recently made for each of our major projects. In this edition, we will be looking at the Gnosis Safe, Gnosis Protocol and Gnosis Markets.

The Gnosis Safe

  1. WalletConnect support. This month, the Safe team released WalletConnect support for Android. This means you can now use your Android Gnosis Safe with any dapps that support WalletConnect. The same capability will be available on Safe for iOS version in the next week.
  2. Multiple owners. The Android app as well as the Chrome extension will now automatically assign a different owner address for each Safe on the same device. This provides an additional layer of privacy for a user with multiple Safes.
  3. Gnosis Safe for Teams. The Safe team has finished an internal 0.1.0 version of the Gnosis Safe for Teams product. The current prototype allows users to create and manage a Safe, add and remove owners, and send assets and custom transactions with a data payload. Other features like web3connect are soon to come.
  4. Gnosis Safe at DappCon. The team will be present at DappCon with special news: we will sponsor your new Safe with $OWL so you can try it out. We will also be collecting feedback and conducting user tests for our mobile apps as well as the Gnosis Safe for Teams prototype. If you would like to sign up for a session, please reach out via Telegram or Twitter.

Check out the Gnosis Safe GitHub repositories: safe-contracts, safe-ios, safe-android, safe-browser-extension, safe-react.

Gnosis Protocol

  1. Migrating Event Listener to The Graph. The Gnosis Protocol trading protocol will migrate the event listener from the Python-based django eth events to the Rust-based GraphQL query interface. Doing so paves the way for easier front-end development, and it will facilitate shared logic between the event listener and the driver.
  2. Multi-Phase Auction Settlement Infrastructure. Previously, the Gnosis Protocol framework supported two steps: order collection and auction settlement. Now, a third step, solution bidding, is being added. Solution bidding will follow the order collection step, and the process of auction settlement is being re-tooled to accommodate this new addition. The inclusion of solution bidding is a step toward broader decentralization of the protocol as external actors will soon be able to drive the auctions themselves. Follow the discussions around these topics here.
  3. Continued research on unlimited orders and on-chain verification. The Gnosis Protocol team is conducting research into drastically increasing the cap on orders during the order collection process. An unlimited order model would mean that unfilled orders will no longer have to pay a fee. There is also ongoing research into on-chain verification, which would signify a move away from SNARKs. Learn more about these discussions here.

Check out the Gnosis Protocol GitHub repositories: dex-services and dex-contracts.

Gnosis Markets

  1. A conditional tokens contract audit is approaching. Wondering what conditional tokens can do? Check out Stefan’s EthCC talk on conditional tokens. Feeling adventurous? Take a dive into the code yourself.
  2. Front-end experimentation. The Gnosis Markets team is experimenting with an interface for prediction markets using conditional tokens. This experiment was set up with simple on-chain oracles and an on-chain LMSR market maker. Although this run of the experiment has ended, the story isn’t over yet, so stay tuned!
  3. GECO grant recipient. Alice has received a Gnosis Ecosystem Fund grant. They will leverage our prediction market technology to incentivize transparency and efficiency in social impact programs.
  4. Conditional tokens developer course by B9lab. As part of the Ethereum Community Blockstars program, we are collaborating with B9lab to offer a course that provides a deep dive into our conditional tokens framework. Get ready to learn, and be sure to sign up for the next round of courses!

Check out the Gnosis Markets GitHub repositories: pm-contracts and pm-scripts.

Thanks for checking out this months edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. See you again in September! And be sure to follow Gnosis on Twitter!

