GECO Community Spotlight

Austin Griffith and the Burner Wallet

Lauren Dunmore
3 min readNov 5, 2019


Illustration by Lea Filipo

In order to spotlight all of the incredible GECO funded teams, we decided to launch a community blog series — a monthly update that will give our readers the inside scoop on the teams behind GECO, what they are building, and most importantly how their project will impact the space!

Austin is working on a a seamless integration for the Burner Wallet so users can transfer funds to a Gnosis Safe wallet with the click of a button.

Who are you?

Austin Griffith, I created the Burner Wallet.

How did you get into Ethereum / Crypto?

I think I first saw something on Hacker News, then I read the yellow paper and fell in love. I also watched a lot Jordan Leigh’s YouTube videos.

My first big projects were all games. is the main one.

Why did you choose this project?

The Burner Wallet is all about the cross section of emerging economies and great UX.

What impact do you think your project will have?

It has already gone a long way getting crypto into people’s hands and letting them use it. I think we should focus on this as a metric and make sure to continue to make blockchain applications irresistibly easy to use.

From there I think it will be more of an onboarding scaffolding. Instead of Burner Wallet (capital B) we will see many products have their own burner wallet (lowercase b). Once you have an easy onramp into crypto you can build a lot of fun things on top, like the 🐶DAOG!

What might be the biggest obstacles of your project?

Funding. All other obstacles (like code quality) stem from lack of funding. I tried to get funded after we launched the Burner Wallet at ETHDenver and got nowhere.

Why are you interested in Gnosis and what we’re building?

I fell in love with the Gnosis Safe’s solidity code and kind of worked backwards. Gnosis’ MultiSig wallet is deployed everywhere. That’s rad. Also the Gnosis is a team comprised of the kind of people I wanted to work with long term.

What impact do you believe blockchain technology will have?

This is still to be determined in my mind and you’ll have to buy me a beer or two if you really want to dig into my thoughts here. I think it will be big, but it might also be subtle. Like a utility or internet protocol. It might even exist kind of counterfactually to the traditional system.

How do you envision the ecosystem will change in the next 5–10 years?

I think we are going to dive head first into making products more usable. This will drive more users and developers into the space and create an increased demand for scaling.

Tell us a fun fact about your team.

I built an automated brewing machine in my garage.

What is your (team) motto?

Cut all the right corners to get it in users’ hands and then learn, iterate, learn, iterate, learn, and iterate.

Many Thanks to Mareen Glaeske, Kei Kreutler, and Austin Griffith!



Lauren Dunmore

Marketing/Communications @Gnosis & Community Manager @FullNode_Berlin