Gnosis Ecosystem Fund Update I

Announcing the first GECO funded projects!

Lauren Dunmore
4 min readFeb 19, 2019


Written by Lauren Dunmore and Mareen Gläske

Illustrations by Lea Filipo

It’s been almost three months since the launch of the Gnosis Ecosystem Fund (GECO). Since the unveiling of our community fund, 9 teams applied with projects focusing on prediction markets, the Gnosis Safe, the DutchX, governance and dapp scalability. We were thrilled by the high quality of submitted proposals and enthusiasm for the Gnosis ecosystem. We want to spotlight the incredible teams we will be funding after our first round of submissions closed at the end of 2018.


The DutchX is our open, decentralized trading protocol that allows users to find fair values for their token pairs.To achieve full decentralization, the DutchX will be governed by the dxDAO, a community run DAO that will give users control over the DutchX. To enhance the usability of the DutchX and encourage participation in the dxDAO, we want to support teams that are building meaningful integrations on top of the DutchX.

The Protofire team applied to build a bidder interface for the DutchX. Their aim was to contribute to the DutchX ecosystem by developing and hosting an open source, robust and easy to use web application, prioritizing user experience.We believe this is a crucial integration that will improve user experience and represents an important contribution to the DutchX. Additionally, the team submitted an extremely detailed proposal, and showed a high level of professionalism and commitment to the ecosystem.

The Protofire team received $40,000 to build a bidder interface for the DutchX.

Protofire Video Introduction


The PoolX team will create an application that interfaces with the DutchX and allows collected funds to be used on both the buy and sell sides of token pair auctions. The team started their pooling application in 2018 at ETHBerlin taking home a Gnosis bounty and sparking an interest in further developing the project.

We are looking forward to watching the project mature and are excited about its potential to improve the usability of the DutchX.

The PoolX team will receive $10,000 in funding.

Tasit SDK

As the first smart contract based mobile wallet, the Gnosis Safe drastically simplifies interaction and integration with decentralized applications. We are actively working to improve the Safe’s interoperability with other dapps.

The Tasit SDK is a JavaScript SDK for making standalone native mobile Ethereum dapps using React Native. It integrates seamlessly with the Gnosis Safe so that mobile dapps can use funds stored in the Safe wallet. We believe that this integration will be crucial in the widespread adoption of the Gnosis Safe and mobile dapps. We were impressed by the Tasit team’s dedication to simplifying Ethereum mobile dapp creation for developers.

The TasitSDK team will receive $20,000 in funding.

TasitSDK Video Introduction

The Flyingcarpet Team

Despite their wide-ranging use cases, prediction markets still lack broad understanding and adoption. Thus, we looked for applications that showcased the power of prediction markets. This is why we chose to fund the Flyingcarpet team, which applied to GECO with the aim of integrating prediction markets into their platform for a decentralized geospatial layer for Earth Observation. Their platform incentivizes data scientists to build an open library of geospatial analytics-extraction models. Analytics are made continually available to paying organizations via their analytics API, which will also function as an oracle that can be integrated directly into smart contracts.

The Flyingcarpet team is currently building two prediction market applications using the Gnosis PM v2.0 smart contracts. The first, the Flyingcarpet Predictions Dashboard, will enable anyone in the world to make predictions from Flyingcarpet model insights. The second, the Model Viability Prediction Market, will be a conditional prediction market, enabling Flyingcarpet users to bet on the future profitability/demand for models that haven’t been created yet. The team also works with a diverse variety of organizations outside of the blockchain space (i.e. National Geographic) which we believe will help improve the visibility of and adoption around prediction markets and blockchain.

Flyingcarpet will receive $60,000 to integrate prediction markets in their platform.

GECO is our way of contributing to the ecosystem by sponsoring talented teams interested in building on our diverse range of products and protocols. We believe it is essential to encourage, educate, and involve the community as we continue to evolve as a fund. The next wave of submissions will end on March 31st. We want to thank all of the teams who already submitted a proposal. We can’t wait to see what the community comes up with in Round 2!

Find all important information here and submit your proposal today. If you have any questions feel free to reach out via our Gitter Channel.

Many Thanks to Kei Kreutler and Eric Gorski



Lauren Dunmore

Marketing/Communications @Gnosis & Community Manager @FullNode_Berlin