Gnosis Safe Apps Recap — #1

Eric Conner
Published in
3 min readJul 15, 2020

Two and half months ago we introduced Gnosis Safe Apps and the reception from the community has blown away our expectations. Since launch, 7 apps have been added to the interface, giving multisig users an easy way to interact with great applications built on Ethereum. We believe this is becoming the Safe-st way to DeFi.

Below is a summary of the applications launched to date. is a DEX aggregator which aims to offer the best prices for trades. It accomplishes this by scanning many different decentralized exchanges and routing the best path for orders. Their app lets users select a trading pair and specify the max slippage to incur. Once signatures are collected, the trade is executed.


Aave is an open source and non-custodial protocol enabling the creation of money markets on Ethereum. Users can earn interest on deposits and borrow assets. Their app lets users lend assets to earn interest or borrow assets using collateral.


Compound is an algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol built to unlock a universe of open financial applications. Their app lets users lend assets to earn interest or borrow assets using collateral. In doing so, users are able to earn COMP, their governance token.


Idle lets you choose a DeFi strategy and earn the yield you deserve without worry about finding the best option, depending on if you want to optimize returns or risks. Their app lets users pick the “Best-Yield” option or “Risk-Adjusted” option.


Request is the easiest way to get your invoices paid in crypto. Pay and get paid in cryptocurrency by sending compliant invoices as a freelancer or business. Their app lets users request, fulfill and manage payments.


Sablier is the protocol for real-time finance. Users are able to stream ETH, Dai and ERC20s to others and monitor it all within the Safe App.

Transaction Builder

The Transaction Builder allows you to build a custom multisend transaction. Simply enter an Ethereum contract address or ABI to get started.

Get involved!

If you interested in building a Safe App, please reach out to us in our Discord. We also have a grant program going for Safe Apps.

