Gnosis Twitter Bot

Denis Granha
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2017

In order to make prediction markets accessible and easy to use for everybody, Gnosis has placed its focus on building a platform and ecosystem of applications. We believe that because prediction markets can be used for such a wide variety of applications, in diverse locations, it’s important for each type of application to have its own interface and business strategy. We have built a Twitter bot, which interacts with Gnosis, allowing anyone on Twitter to participate in Gnosis markets via tweet and uPort.

Every 3 hours the Gnosis Twitter Bot tweets the outcome prices of selected markets.

Users can reply to the tweet with their predictions using the following message:
1. “Lower 1 ETH”. Bet 1 ETH on NO Outcome.
2. “Higher 1 ETH”. Bet 1 ETH on YES Outcome.

The Twitter Bot replies showing how the outcome probability will change and with a QR code you can scan with Uport to perform the transaction.

Before using the bot you need to configure your Uport account with a few steps, detailed in the video below:

1. If you don’t have a Uport account, go to to sign up for the Uport alpha.

2. Fill your Uport account with testnet Ether.

Got to uport app — settings — Developer tools — Request 1 ETH from faucet

3. Go to and click on the first QR code “Configure Uport”, accept the transaction and wait.

4. Once the transaction is mined, go back to the page and click the second QR code “Deposit 1 ETH”, sign the transaction and wait.

5. Now you have configured your Uport account to use Gnosis and deposited 1 ETH in tokens. You are ready to trade.

6. Go to Twitter and reply to one of the tweets, such as, with “lower 1 eth” or “higher 1 eth”

7. The bot will reply with a QR code and a link.

8. Click the link, or scan the QR code to sign the transaction and wait until it is mined.

9. Once the transaction is mined you can check your shares in the link of the original tweet.

10. In the management interface you can sell your shares or redeem your winnings when the outcome is set.

Ropsten Bot
Configuration page
Mainnet Bot (Trading not available)

