Introducing the Safe Guardians Program

Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2022

Over the last 4 years, the Gnosis Safe saga has unfolded to great heights. It has established itself as a critical piece of infrastructure for Web3, guarding digital assets for DAOs, institutions, projects and individuals alike. On Ethereum mainnet alone, Gnosis Safe users manage over $64B worth of assets, all in self-custody!

This was not a solo effort by Gnosis. It was made possible by the combined powers of a community of contributors. Contributors who believe in the usability and security of smart contract accounts, and who strive to help Web3 users regain control over their own assets. This core group of heroes helped Gnosis Safe get to where it is today! We’re extremely grateful, and we want to reward them for being an early believer in Gnosis Safe.

Our next mission

​​As Gnosis Safe lays the foundation of becoming an independent public good and community-owned account standard, we’re retroactively rewarding our initial contributors (Safe Guardians 🔰) with soon-to-launch SAFE governance tokens. 50,000,000 SAFE tokens (5% of total supply) will be rewarded over time to these ecosystem contributors. 2.5% of SAFE will be claimable immediately, while the other 2.5% will be vested over 4 years.

This drop is in addition to the 5% of total supply already being allocated to users. This is our ‘thank you’ for their hard work and commitment to creating a more secure Web3 for all.

Introducing Guardians 🔰

Safe Guardians are active members of the Safe community, who use their powers to contribute positively to the ecosystem. They align with our vision to drive the adoption of smart contract accounts, and have verifiably proven their commitment to this vision.

Simply put, Safe Guardians empower our solution and our users. They join us in the fight against painful UX and shady security practices in Web3. They will also have the honour of being assigned a mighty “Guardians’ role within our Safe Community Discord! 🔰

Becoming a Safe Guardian — Guardians Volume 1 Assemble 🔰

We are now opening up applications so we can fairly reward all ecosystem participants for their previous contributions. Anyone who previously contributed to the Safe ecosystem is free to apply and become a Guardian! No matter if it was merging a PR, creating an educational tutorial or developing a tool. If you want to become a Guardian and get rewarded SAFE tokens for your work:

  • Document the contribution(s) that you or your project have made to the Gnosis Safe ecosystem here.
  • Our internal council will review each submission, validate the previous contribution and assign a reward.

SAFE tokens will not be given by default. Only those who have verifiably contributed will be allocated tokens and assigned as a ‘Safe Guardian’. They will also be entrusted with a ‘Guardian’ role within our Discord!

What comes next?

If you don’t get selected as an initial Safe Guardian, don’t worry, there will be plenty of future opportunities to become a Guardian and get rewarded for your contributions to the ecosystem. This is only volume 1 of Safe Guardian selection. So stay tuned and stay Safe!

