July 2019 — The Gnosis Monthly Development Update

Keeping up with the Gnosis developers

Eric Gorski
3 min readJul 1, 2019


Welcome to the July edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. At the beginning of every month, we will recap all the development progress we’ve recently made for each of our major projects. In this edition, we will be looking at the Gnosis Safe and Gnosis Protocol.

The Gnosis Safe

  1. Mobile releases. The most recent releases of the Gnosis Safe mobile apps leverage the new ProxyFactory as well as the create2 opcode in order to streamline the creation process. These releases will also employ version 1.0.0 of the Gnosis Safe contracts which have been formally verified.
  2. New fee payment options. iOS and Android Safe users can now use ETH as well as a number of ERC20 tokens (e.g. DAI and OWL) to pay for Ethereum transaction fees and the Safe creation fee.
  3. Increased Gnosis Safe usage in wake of the dxDAO. The launch of the Vote Staking Period of the dxDAO brought saw an increase in Safe usage. At this time, more than 700 Safes have been created and over 2,500 transactions have been made from Safe wallets. If you have feedback make sure to get in touch with us via the Gnosis Safe Telegram group.
  4. Gnosis Safe for Teams. There will be support for several Safe management functions such as adding and removing wallet owners. The safe design team is in the process of conducting user tests on the existing prototype. We will be running these tests on a regular basis. If you are interested in participating, please reach out via Telegram or Twitter.

Check out the Gnosis Safe GitHub repositories: safe-contracts, safe-ios, safe-android, safe-browser-extension, safe-react.

Gnosis Protocol

  1. New feature: standing orders. A new account type, called ‘reserved accounts’ will have the ability to place standing orders. For instance, a market maker could place a standing order (that is open indefinitely) to buy DAI at $0.99 cents or less and sell DAI at $1.01. The primary advantage of this new order type is less gas fees for market makers and more liquidity for market participants.
  2. Research into account scaling. The Gnosis Protocol team has been exploring possible data structures for storing exchange accounts. Each account represents a user and all balances associated with that user. Off-chain or on-chain storage? A Patricia Merkel tree or a sparse Merkel tree? Follow those discussions here.
  3. More efficient number representation. Moving forward, the Gnosis Protocol team will consider changing their number representation from an exact 256 bit to a float 32 bit representation. This number presentation is more compact and will mean more transactions can be pushed through to the blockchain.

Gnosis Protocol is a fully decentralized trading protocol which facilitates ring trades via discrete auction between several ERC20 token pairs. It uses a batch auction for arbitrage-free exchanges while maximizing trader surplus to facilitate the development of a fairer web 3.0-ecosystem for everyone. If you want to learn more check out Benjamin Smith’s talk on Gnosis Protocol (formerly DFusion Protocol) at EthCC here.

Check out the Gnosis Protocol GitHub repositories: dex-services and dex-contracts.

Thanks for checking out this months edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. See you again in August! And be sure to follow Gnosis on Twitter!

