Metamask Institutional x Gnosis Safe

Metamask Institutional integrates Gnosis Safe to streamline operations for DAOs, institutions and crypto enterprises

3 min readApr 13, 2022


Today, we are excited to announce that Metamask Institutional (MMI) has integrated Gnosis Safe into their solution to enable easy access to DeFi with the security of Gnosis Safe’s multi-sig capabilities.

Solving for the needs of DAOs and a new breed of crypto native institutions and enterprises

Today, we are seeing the DAO ecosystem flourish with over 4,000 DAOs in operation. In parallel, more and more institutions and private enterprises are taking the leap and bridging to crypto. Each of these organisations share something in common — the need to access DeFi efficiently and securely. While each organisation shares this desire, their custody requirements are diverse and rigorous, given their unique operational structures. They require operational flexibility while maintaining best-in-class security. A customisable solution with crypto-engineering expertise is needed here.

Gnosis Safe has become the security and operating standard for web3 natives

With top DAOs like Uniswap, MakerDAO, Aave and BitDAO using Gnosis Safe, it has become a de-facto standard in the DAO toolkit.

Solving the single-point-of-failure problem of traditional single private keys, Gnosis Safe offers a smart contract account with multi-sig security that protects ~$70Billion in funds today.

With customisable access controls, it enables organisations with use cases such as social recovery, spend limit setting, authorisations for certain transactions and roles-based allow-listing.

Integrating with Metamask Institutional unlocks ease of using DeFi with the security of Gnosis Safe

Metamask needs no introduction, being the most popular DeFi wallet with nearly 30 Million monthly active users. it has become the default DeFi gateway for web3.

Metamask institutional is a version of the wallet that integrates institution-required custody, operational efficiency, risk, and compliance features.

“DAOs and crypto institutions want the gold standard of DeFi integration, whilst still maintaining the industry’s security standard when it comes to safeguarding digital assets from operational and security risks. Collaboration is the only way to achieve a solution like this. Thanks to this integration with our partners at ConsenSys, users can now benefit from both MMI’s and Gnosis Safe’s collective strengths and perspectives. Ultimately creating a safer, more accessible Web3.”

John Ennis, (Ecosystem Lead, Gnosis Safe)

A core focus for MMI is to ensure we are of service to all organisations, both decentralised and traditional, in providing unrivalled access to DeFi and Web3 while meeting each organisation’s strict security and key management needs. Gnosis Safe is a foundational cornerstone of our ecosystem — -an unmatched and trusted platform on which most DAOs rely to secure and manage their digital assets. This integration, therefore, brings together these two important elements for organisations; unrivalled access and trusted security. We are, therefore, thrilled by this partnership and the further collaboration between Gnosis Safe and ConsenSys.

Johann Bornman, Global Product Lead for MetaMask Institutional

How to get started?

If you are an enterprise, institution, DAO or simply are interested to find out more about this integration, reach out to

About Gnosis Safe: Gnosis Safe is the safety standard of Web3 and the most trusted platform to manage digital assets for individuals and communities. It is a programmable account that enables users to control their digital assets with much more granular permissions. Gnosis Safe stores ~70 billion USD worth of digital assets today.

Connect with Gnosis: Website, Discord, Twitter, Gnosis Forum

About ConsenSys: ConsenSys is the leading Ethereum software company. We enable developers, enterprises, and people worldwide to build next-generation applications, launch modern financial infrastructure, and access the decentralized web. Our product suite, composed of Infura, Quorum, Codefi, MetaMask, Truffle, Diligence and our NFT platform, serves millions of users, supports billions of blockchain-based queries for our clients, and has handled billions of dollars in digital assets. Ethereum is the largest programmable blockchain in the world, leading in business adoption, developer community, and DeFi activity. On this trusted, open-source foundation, we are building the digital economy of tomorrow. To explore our products and solutions, visit

