October 2019 — The Gnosis Monthly Development Update

Keeping up with the Gnosis developers

Eric Gorski
3 min readOct 2, 2019


Welcome to the October edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. At the beginning of every month, we recap all the development progress we’ve recently made for each of our major projects. In this edition, we will be looking at the Gnosis Safe, Gnosis Protocol and conditional tokens.

The Gnosis Safe

  1. Mobile releases. The Safe team is working on Status Keycard integration an as alternative 2FA device for Android. iOS users can already choose between the Keycard and the Gnosis Safe Authenticator. And additional hardware wallet support is coming soon.
  2. Gnosis Safe for Teams Mainnet Early Access. The first Mainnet release of the Gnosis Safe for Teams, a wallet solution for groups of users managing funds collectively, is on the horizon. Interested? Sign-up here.
  3. Gnosis Safe smart contracts update, including ERC-721 and ERC-1155 support. The next version of the Gnosis Safe smart contracts will add support for fallback functions, bringing support for token standards such as ERC-721 and ERC-1155. Implementation of the changes is complete, and the team is now awaiting the conclusion of the smart contract audit before making it available to users.

Check out the Gnosis Safe GitHub repositories: safe-contracts, safe-ios, safe-android, safe-browser-extension, safe-react.

Gnosis Protocol

  1. Backend of Gnosis Protocol proof-of-concept on Rinkeby. The backend for the Gnosis Protocol proof of concept is ready. As part of the PoC development process, changes were made to these smart contracts as well as the off-chain driver code. Further changes are expected, as the optimization challenge for finding the best prices’ objective function is still under review.
  2. Proof-of-concept front-end. A front-end for the Gnosis Protocol PoC is being developed in parallel to the backend work. This interface will allow users to deposit stable coins into the contract and then submit orders. Check out the code here.
  3. Paper publication. The Gnosis Protocol team’s research paper was accepted for publication at the Crypto Economics Security Conference proceedings. The conference will take place on October 28–29 at UC Berkeley.

Check out the Gnosis Protocol GitHub repositories: dex-services and dex-contracts.

Conditional Tokens Standard

  1. Contract updates. Following an external audit, the conditional tokens team has updated smart contracts to address issues found during an audit, bringing it close to a stable first version. Notable among these changes was an overhaul to the collection IDs.
  2. Optimizations. Support for automated market making contracts has been updated to account for the aforementioned changes. These contracts have also been optimized to reduce the gas costs required for setting up a new market as well as the costs for trading on a new market.

Check out the conditional tokens standard GitHub repository.

Thanks for checking out this months edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. See you again in November! And be sure to follow Gnosis on Twitter!

