Redistribute the Future

An update on our mission, vision, and the road ahead

Nadja Beneš


"The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed."
Many of us have heard the echoes of this quote from science fiction author and inventor of the term 'cyberspace', William Gibson. It echoes the notion of uneven global access to technologies, infrastructure, and resources.

The way resources are allocated amongst people still is quite arbitrary. If you own something, you usually hold on to it for some time — even though there might be another person who values your asset more highly than you do. In fact, there are many trades that should in principle happen but never do, simply because we lack mechanisms to facilitate these trades — and thus allocate those underutilized resources more efficiently.

Blockchain technology will drastically lower transaction costs for both creating as well as trading all kinds of assets. At the same time, this will result in an ever growing number and variety of assets that become tradable — from currencies and incentives, to information and ideas.

How can we facilitate trades of any kind of asset, and create incentives to distribute those resources more efficiently today?

Going ahead, we at Gnosis are building fundamentally new market mechanisms that provide maximum liquidity across multiple currencies, and allow for arbitrage-free trading across any kind of asset. Through our decentralized platforms, we therefore enable the distribution of resources — whether these are assets, incentives, information, or ideas.

We thus make a redistributed future possible.

But wait — wasn’t Gnosis all about prediction markets?

You may wonder: wasn’t Gnosis all about prediction markets? Gnosis prediction markets are at the core of Gnosis. However, while we were working on our prediction market platform, we quickly realized that for prediction markets to actually work out and attract a large number of participants, we need to build the necessary infrastructure for it. Consequently, we decided to focus our research efforts on new market mechanisms that fuel prediction markets with external liquidity and a price feed, and thus enable them to become the most powerful tool for information discovery.

Create, trade, and hold assets

Our products are interoperable, allowing you to create, trade, and hold assets.

🎨 Create assets: Our prediction market platforms allow anyone to build customized forecasting applications, and thus to create entirely new kinds of assets: outcome tokens, which make trading the outcome of any event possible, and hence surface relevant information.

🤝 Trade assets: Our decentralized exchange models enable arbitrage-free trading for these new kinds of assets, or for any other asset, any information, incentive, or idea.

🗝 Hold assets: The Gnosis Safe allows people to securely hold assets, and facilitates onboarding new users to our decentralized platforms by making it as easy as possible to interact with decentralized applications, such as prediction markets.

Our decentralized platforms and applications provide foundational infrastructure, assuring security, stability, and foresight for the longevity of blockchain-driven technologies.

We look forward to working towards a redistributed future with you and welcome feedback from the community, so please do get in touch. Want to dive in further? Follow Gnosis on Twitter, Medium, and Reddit. Or subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates.

Very special thanks to Friederike Ernst and Kei Kreutler.

