September 2019 — The Gnosis Monthly Development Update

Keeping up with the Gnosis developers

Eric Gorski
3 min readAug 30, 2019


Welcome to the September edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. At the beginning of every month, we recap all the development progress we’ve recently made for each of our major projects. In this edition, we will be looking at the Gnosis Safe, Gnosis Protocol and the conditional tokens standard (formerly referred to as Gnosis Markets). Additionally, we’ll have the first update from projects supported by the Gnosis Ecosystem Fund.

The Gnosis Safe

  1. Rebranding. The Gnosis Safe was rebranded, and all in-app color scheme and user interfaces have been updated accordingly. There was also a major revamp of the Gnosis Safe website to better communicate its features.
  2. Gnosis Safe Authenticator release. The team published an update to the app’s browser extension, the Gnosis Safe Authenticator. Besides the rebranding, the update includes several UX improvements such as removing unnecessary QR codes during the onboarding flow as well as streamlining the flow of transaction confirmations.
  3. Mobile releases. The team devised their roadmap until up until DevCon 5 in October. They will work on (1) contract update to enable users to upgrade their Safe to the latest secure contract version and (2) an integration of the Status Keycard as alternative 2FA device. Other hardware wallets will soon follow.

Check out the Gnosis Safe GitHub repositories: safe-contracts, safe-ios, safe-android, safe-browser-extension, safe-react.

Gnosis Protocol

  1. Gnosis Protocol Proof of Concept. The Gnosis Protocol development team has decided to build a Gnosis Protocol-PoC. This PoC will rely on the same trading mechanism but will settle all trades directly on the Ethereum chain. The main purpose of this PoC will be to offer customers an outlet for stable coin exchange with minimal slippage. The relevant smart contracts can be found here.
  2. Migrating Event Listener to The Graph. The Gnosis Protocol has migrated the event listener from the Python-based django eth events to the Rust-based GraphQL query interface. This new architecture lets the driver and the listener share several pieces of logic, thereby making the code more efficient. Check out the relevant library here.

Check out the Gnosis ProtocolGitHub repositories: dex-services and dex-contracts.

Conditional Tokens Standard

  1. Conditional tokens contracts audit. The code behind the conditional tokens smart contracts has officially been submitted for audit. Check back soon for updates or check out the contracts under audit here.
  2. Conditional tokens interface. The new conditional tokens interface is fully operational. It even received a facelift. Make predictions on questions like: “Will Multi-Collateral Dai go live on Mainnet by November 1st 2019?” Or “Will the stability fee for Single-Collateral Dai go up from 20.5% before November 1st 2019?”

Check out the conditional tokens standard GitHub repository.

Gnosis Ecosystem Fund

This is our first-ever spotlight on GECO, a fund by Gnosis that provides selected applicants with funding, mentoring, and outreach support to build cool projects on our protocols. Here’s what you need to know for last month.

  1. WalletConnect integration microgrants. The Gnosis Ecosystem Fund will provide microgrants to teams interested in creating a WalletConnect integration for the Gnosis Safe. GECO will support successful integrations with up to $3,000 in funding (rolling applications accepted at the end of each month).
  2. Funding for pre-defined projects. Beginning this month, GECO is looking to fund specific projects that the Gnosis team would like to have implemented in addition to open projects. Checkout our most recent project ideas and apply with the next round of grants. Interested in doing a standalone project? Check out the most recent blog post for more details.

Thanks for checking out this months edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. See you again in October! And be sure to follow Gnosis on Twitter!

