The DutchX Smart Contracts are Live on the Mainnet

Start building your own use case on the DutchX open protocol

Nadja Beneš


Just in time for DappCon, we’re excited to announce that the DutchX smart contracts are live on the Ethereum mainnet!

👋 Ethereum developers — start building now!

The DutchX is an open, decentralized trading protocol for ERC20 tokens using the Dutch auction mechanism for determining a fair value for tokens. Coupled with a pure on-chain design, the DutchX doubles a price oracle and is built to enable users, bots, as well as other smart contracts to exchange tokens. Trading on the DutchX, users benefit from getting a fair price for their tokens through the bundling of liquidity.

You might think that the DutchX is simply another decentralized exchange for ERC20 tokens, but it’s a lot more than that! The project is in fact
a decentralized, open trading protocol. With low barriers to entry, and by letting anyone integrate according to the same set rules, liquidity will follow.

Any decentralized application in need of exchanging tokens and/or integrating a price feed can make use of the DutchX, so the possibilities are endless!

Find the documentation (how-to guides, links to the smart contract deployment, API, liquidity bots, etc.) here, and check out the slides of our release announcement, including all relevant links to start building!

In the upcoming round of Gnosis X, we are challenging developers to build their own use case on the DutchX platform and win up to $100,000 in GNO tokens! Registration for the challenge will start in September.

Additionally, there is an ongoing bug bounty challenge that you can check out here.

The DutchX provides a missing piece of infrastructure for the Ethereum ecosystem — a soon-to-be fully decentralized open trading protocol. As it is a two-sided market platform with network effects, an initial effort to attract liquidity is needed by the community. Be one of the first to build on top of the platform! You can already access the DutchX on this Rinkeby Trading Interface (use with desktop and MetaMask). The next step is to go live with it on the Ethereum mainnet.

Don’t forget to pass by our booth if you are at DappCon Berlin 2018, watch Chris’ presentation where she’s announcing the release, or reach out via:

Stay tuned for the next blog post where we’ll guide you through the building blocks to full decentralization of the DutchX, and how it will be governed by a DAO!

Big thanks to Christiane Ernst, Product Manager of the DutchX. 🙏

