Apprenticeship under the Spiritual Hierarchy (Gnosis, or the Heart of an Angel. Part one. Chapter 17)

Gnostic Teachings of Archangel Michael
11 min readMar 12, 2024

Apprenticeship under the Spiritual Hierarchy

From that day forward, I sensed a significant transformation within myself. The realization that I was not alone brought me immense comfort. The knowledge I had gained from this experience eradicated my fears; I understood that God and Christ existed, and that there was a spiritual home awaiting my return — a place where I would experience unending bliss, protection, and happiness. Consequently, the future no longer seemed daunting, and life took on a new, profound significance. Following that transformative day, I was no longer troubled by demonic entities, and my spiritual sight began to explore higher realms. This transition occurred gradually, as I was slowly taught to exist within two parallel dimensions simultaneously. It was during this period that I acknowledged the truth: although I had been granted such a vivid insight into the spiritual world once, there never existed an actual border separating these dimensions. I realized that it all hinged on my state of consciousness. If I had once succeeded in establishing a telepathic link with Christ, I knew I could do it again. This concept became an obsession that left me no peace. Every day, I pleaded with Him to maintain our connection. I might have seemed deranged, but I couldn’t conceive of any other way and beseeched Him to take me on as a disciple.

I never shared this story because I was certain no one would believe me, and I felt I shouldn’t. It seemed as though Christ was testing me in some way. For the first year, I received brief instructions from him telepathically. Sometimes, I saw these as symbols in my dreams, while other times, I “heard” them clearly. This kind of “hearing” is a very subtle sensory perception, where a thought comes to mind accompanied by the unique energy of the sender. It’s similar to hearing a person’s voice without seeing them. You recognize the voice by the frequency of the sound vibration, unique to the individual. This is also true for “sent telepathic thought”, which carries a vibrational frequency specific to the sender. Telepathic thought can be visualized as a kind of “lucid dream”. To do this, I had to enter an “altered state of consciousness”, a skill that came naturally to me and that has been occurring since my childhood. Before I encountered Christ in this state, I traversed a spiritual dimension inhabited mostly by demonic beings and dark astral formations. Certain conditions are necessary to receive telepathic thoughts. One such requirement is being in a “clean” environment. The village of Tserakvi was just such a place. In large cities, telepathic perception is disrupted by a constant “noise”, which I often visualized as a black wind. Sometimes, the chaotic thoughts of strangers would swirl before my eyes. So, when I was in Tbilisi, I would wake up between 4–5 in the morning, when everyone else was asleep and the surroundings were relatively “clean”, and try to connect with the spiritual world. During these periods, my physical hearing would also become extremely acute, with even a slight, sudden noise jarring my senses. It felt as though my nervous system was under immense tension. In this state, I could sense the sounds of the physical world not just through my ears, but also with my palms, an experience that was quite unsettling. These sensations would abruptly pull me out of my “altered consciousness”, highlighting my need for silence.

This year, I made a significant decision: I surrendered my soul and free will to Christ and Father-God through His mediation. I voiced this request three times. Now, in retrospect, I see how I was acting intuitively and how the subsequent events unfolded in a logical sequence. I’ve since realized that accelerating spiritual evolution is impossible without aid from the high spiritual realm. The beings of the spiritual hierarchy are always prepared to assist us, but there are two unbreakable rules: 1) They cannot fully assist a person without that person’s goodwill, and 2) Help can only be provided if it promotes the individual’s spiritual growth, since our The purpose of human beings being here in the material world is only that and nothing else. However, since people’s requests often focus on material prosperity or problem-solving, rather than spiritual growth, such requests usually go unanswered. If, however, an individual willingly entrusts the protection of their soul to the Supreme, the Forces of Light are permitted to intervene more substantially in the person’s karma, or fate. This often manifests as an acceleration of one’s karma in the form of increased trials and tribulations. Although the person might have been alone until that point, they now have a powerful spiritual ally to whom they’ve surrendered their guardianship. This surrender may outwardly seem to result in a decline in the quality of life, as the individual’s plan for karmic resolution appears to be rewritten and they are beset by various challenges. Yet, this is where the individual’s readiness to cooperate with pure forces and their absolute trust in their spiritual guide should shine through.When choosing a spiritual guide from the Hierarchy of Light Forces, each person should listen to their heart and choose the entity with whom they feel the most spiritual affinity. This could be a saint, the Virgin Mary, the Savior Himself, or someone else, depending on the person’s religious beliefs and spiritual affiliation.

The first year was foundational. I often received a telepathic message of humility from Christ, suggesting that if I ever considered myself superior to anyone, I should visualize myself as a fish, buried in the sand at the bottom of the deepest ocean, with no one beneath me. It’s a funny metaphor, but it was also a kind of spiritual exercise. During that year, my relationship with Michael intensified, and I sensed that it was then that Christ transitioned my guidance over to Michael, even though Christ had always been at my side previously. Michael taught me how to dispel dark forces by illuminating my heart. He explained two methods: using the energy of prayer, or using the light of the heart, the latter being the vibration of one’s own soul, which should be at a high level and should be my ultimate goal. It’s akin to the difference between the light of the moon and the sun. The moon doesn’t generate its own light and uses the sun’s, while the sun is a self-luminous body. By using the prayer of another, such as a saint, you borrow and utilize their energy. In contrast, the light of the heart represents the highest state of your own soul. Michael instructed me on how to achieve the solidity and purity of these lights. The goal is to ensure that dark forces cannot detect any matching lower frequency vibrations in your spiritual body, as they could shift you to their frequency, encircle you, and diminish the light of your soul. On the spiritual plane, these processes involve exchanges of energies and vibrations. In the material world, this may manifest as the generation of fear, anger, desire for revenge, and so forth. Michael enlightened me that everything in the universe is essentially a wave energy oscillation of different frequencies. It might require an adept understanding of physics to fully grasp these concepts.

As explained to me, since it’s not possible to create all necessary circumstances for identifying, addressing, and learning from one’s flaws within a single lifetime, these circumstances are instead constructed concurrently in dreams, taking the form of various scenarios and life situations. There, I was expected to act, learn, and cultivate spiritual qualities. Consequently, my dreams morphed into lucid dreams. The narratives were often fantastical, yet everything felt real within the dream state. One lesson, for instance, aimed to clarify why it often seems that individuals of low spirituality and malevolent intent live long, carefree lives, while good-hearted people endure immense hardships and often depart from this world prematurely. This question frequently stirred feelings of indignation and a sense of injustice within me. According to some Christian interpretations, this scenario is a result of God’s desire to test human resilience and loyalty through suffering. When I first encountered this perspective, it reminded me of the torturous experiments conducted by fascist doctors to determine human endurance limits. I believe such a portrayal of God is greatly blasphemous. In fact, I can’t think of a more egregious form of blasphemy. Such views are partly why fear of God, rather than love for Him, prevails in the church. This brings to mind a remark made by a Christian pastor. When a parishioner asked why he should fear God when God is love and can be loved in return, the pastor posed a counter-question: “Do you love God more or your son?” The parishioner fell silent, to which the pastor responded, “If you cannot love Him, that’s why you should fear.” I pondered over this statement for quite a while, sensing a truth within it, until Michael sent me a dream. As always, the dream was symbolic.

In the dream, I was the commander of a vast army in a fantastical world. I led the army up a mountain, with our progress being slow. The noblest, bravest, and most meritorious warriors stood in the front ranks. Those further back were less conscious and harder to control, though physically more robust and faster. As we neared the summit, I halted the army. We had reached the end of the forest, and moving onto the open field risked a confrontation with the cannibalistic giants, a conflict we were unlikely to win due to their superior strength. Thus, it was crucial to proceed silently to avoid detection. I cautioned the army, and the front ranks complied, but noise persisted from the back ranks, resulting in our discovery by the giants. Faced with a dilemma, I quickly entered negotiations. Their representative proposed that if I willingly surrendered a few of my soldiers, the rest of us would be spared. I considered several options. If I refused, giants would attack, and the noble warriors at the front, including myself, would be the first to fall. Those at the back, who caused the problem in the first place, were far enough away and sufficiently fast and strong to potentially escape. This scenario struck me as unjust, as from a material perspective, the death of the “good” and the survival of the “bad” seemed unfair. Michael rebuked me lately for thinking in material terms. I’d like to say that I showcased true leadership by sacrificing myself and my closest comrades, but I didn’t. The people at the back, whose actions led to this predicament, were laughing and carrying on as if nothing had happened. Angered by the fact that either the best among us should perish or we should all face certain death in an unequal battle because of them, I decided to hand over three of these inconsiderate individuals to giants to save everyone else. At the time, this decision seemed entirely justified to me.

The dream abruptly halted and I heard Michael’s voice:

- Your decision was incorrect. Imagine all of humanity as a line ascending a mountain. The mountain’s height represents levels of consciousness. Those with high consciousness, i.e.high spirituality, are leading, and some have even reached or are near the pinnacle of divine consciousness. People with lower consciousness are trailing behind. These individuals often have stronger physical bodies because the divine energy held within their physical and subtle bodies is allocated more to their physical rather than mental and lower subtle bodies. For us, there are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people, just those who are advanced and those who are lagging. Don’t you humans feel empathy for those who struggle and fall behind while climbing a mountain? God feels the same way. To God, a ‘bad’ person is as valuable as a ‘good’ one; our goal is to help those who are lagging to progress. The phrase ‘bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you’ embodies this process. When you pray for someone, you not only grow spiritually but also channel the energy of your prayer towards that ‘lagging’ individual. Another crucial point is the spiritual aura of a ‘lagging’ individual often takes on a demonic nature and acquires a ‘negative’ quality. It’s vital for us that humanity’s mental and spiritual field evolves uniformly, meaning the line ascending the mountain doesn’t stretch too long. Otherwise, a polarization occurs between ‘advanced’ and ‘lagging’ souls, leading to conflicts and wars in the physical world as the positive and negative charges clash. Many historical events testify to this. It’s for this reason that ‘advanced’ individuals often have shorter lives, while ‘lagging’ individuals live longer — these are repeated opportunities for the latter to gain more spiritual development. The more advanced a person is, the closer they get to the peak, the tougher life’s trials become. On one hand, these trials help them acquire refined spiritual qualities. On the other hand, they allow for the processing of more karmic debts, as one cannot approach the peak burdened by sin. Concerning the priest who advocates fearing God, individuals stand at different levels based on their level of consciousness, or spirituality. Some have a heart so delicate and pure that they are open to perceiving the higher spiritual world, and if they possess the right desire, they can experience God’s love. A person of lower consciousness has suppressed subtle sensations, and to control their primal, earthly desires, they indeed need fear as a restraining force. However, fear, by its nature, is a demonic vibrational energy and is only acceptable to people of lower consciousness, as they lack the capacity for more at this stage of development. Identifying an individual’s spiritual potential and charting the suitable path for their spiritual development is the primary goal of a spiritual Master. You cannot unite everyone under one umbrella. What aids one person’s development may hinder another’s. This is one of the reasons why so many religions exist, and they should continue to exist as long as they serve spiritual evolution. But as people’s consciousness shifts to another level, many things will change in this area too. Using the mountain allegory, we can compare different religions to different paths leading to the peak. One mountaineer with weak knees but a strong heart needs one route, another with a strong heart but weak legs requires a different route, and a third, fully prepared and robust, can choose the shortest but steepest route. This also applies to people’s national or racial characteristics. At a fundamental genetic level, individuals’ abilities and aspirations differ, meaning they cannot all follow the same path. Consider this: one person, when asked ‘what is the sun?’ might say that the sun is a bright, fiery white spot in the sky. Another person might answer that the sun is a celestial body where hydrogen is thermonuclearly synthesized into helium, resulting in photons that reach Earth as light energy. Which one is correct? Both are, from their respective levels of consciousness. This is akin to different religions, which exist because they each resonate with different levels of consciousness. However, due to the imperfections of the material world, no religion existing today is completely free from errors, even at their respective levels of consciousness. Some religions or religious groups might be 10% inaccurate, others might be 90% off the mark. When a religion’s error exceeds a certain threshold, it no longer facilitates spiritual development. Instead of guiding people toward the peak, it drives them downward. Such institutions should be eradicated. They have no right to exist.

Michael conveyed to me that he did not wish for me to establish a deep affiliation with any specific religion, including the Orthodox Christian Church, or to submit unconditionally to any pastor or guru. This perspective remained true, even though I considered myself to be within the field of the Christ Egregore. The reasoning behind this stance became clear to me later.

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