Summer Solstice and the Fusion of Heart Chakras (Gnosis, or the Heart of an Angel. Part Two. Chapter 35)

Gnostic Teachings of Archangel Michael
3 min readAug 1, 2024

This Side of the Bridge

I find myself on a journey, curiously clad in slippers. Surprisingly, they’re quite comfortable. As I reach a bridge, I pause for a moment to catch my breath. At the entrance, a young boy greets me. Our eyes lock, he offers a smile, and I smile back. After adjusting my slippers, I continue on. Upon crossing the bridge, I am met by my father. He asks:

- So, did you find five Michaels? — I respond, — Why specifically five?

He answers:

- I don’t know, it just seemed like that to me.

I confess:

- I, too, thought there might be four others besides me…

Continuing beyond the bridge, the path becomes increasingly challenging. A peculiar darkness and chill surrounds me, and the path turns icy, making it slippery. I have to lean against the wall and painstakingly explore the path from one end to the other. Eventually, I stop and call out to my father:

- I can’t traverse this place alone! We must hold hands and walk together.

By AI Capilot

June 21, 2017: Summer Solstice and the Fusion of Heart Chakras

In my dream, I seemingly found myself entering an elevator with two elderly individuals whom I knew were supposed to guide me to Michael. We ascended, then exited the elevator. The elderly couple bid me farewell and departed. Suddenly, I felt a touch on my hand. I spun around and met the gaze of a young boy. The intensity of his gaze was unforgettable, as were the words he imparted at that moment.

Awakening from the dream, I felt a powerful presence standing before me. It’s fascinating how sometimes we can sense with certainty something that isn’t visible. An intense heat surged in my heart, as if it were ablaze, growing larger and burning in my throat. Overwhelmed by this sensation, I clutched my neck. The closer the presence came, the more love and happiness I felt. These potent, unusual sensations both fascinated and scared me, causing me to halt. In response to my bewildered thoughts, a comforting voice said:

- just trust me.

Suddenly, I felt enveloped in a golden expanse. In this space, “I” ceased to exist, replaced by boundless bliss intertwined with endless golden streams. The sensation was fleeting, but its impact remained forever. I was mostly unsettled because I was unaccustomed to surrendering control. In that moment, I felt myself propelled deeply into other dimensions. This realization, mingled with excitement and curiosity, stirred a tinge of fear.

- Don’t be afraid… I’ve placed a piece of my heart in you, — came his telepathic message, and somehow, I felt I had given a part of my heart too. — From now on, you must keep your lower energy centers at their highest frequency, otherwise you will be worse. I will assist you in reaching the appropriate state of consciousness.

