“Where Wounded Angel Stands Alone…”

Gnostic Teachings of Archangel Michael
4 min readApr 25, 2024

Excerpt from the book “Gnosis, or The Heart of an Angel”

“Let us be where storms rage on,

And wounded angel stands alone.”

Galaktion Tabidze

By Imma using Microsoft Copilot in Bing

I always recall a phrase from a book that resonated deeply with me: ‘There will come a time when you will have to choose between what is right and what is easy.’ This line struck a chord because of its precise emphasis — not a choice between ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’ but between ‘right’ and ‘easy,’ because ‘wrong’ is often the easier. But why am I reflecting on this?

As a ‘disciple’ begins their journey of spiritual development and strives to foster virtuous qualities within themselves, they become increasingly attuned and sensitive to vibrations. With the elevation of their vibration, there’s a growing sensitivity to this world’s lower vibrational expressions. Many are familiar with how distressing it can be to endure dissonant, heavy music, the cacophony of information, or boisterous drunken chatter. The mere presence in a crowded space can become physically unsettling. The discomfort from lower vibrations intensifies to the point where interactions with people who were once bearable now deplete your energy significantly. You notice the varying energies of city neighborhoods distinctly. Furthermore, the onslaught of negative news we face daily becomes almost intolerable. Even overhearing vulgar language directed at someone else is jarring. The proximity to inebriated individuals or those smoking can be overwhelming. These are just a few of the countless examples. Gradually, you shed the ‘thick skin’ and ‘resilience’ you once possessed, leaving you more exposed. This heightened sensitivity can become so bothersome that the instinctive reaction is to make the ‘easy’ choice — to withdraw from these low-vibration environments. You might seek minimal contact with people, shun the news, deflect others’ grievances, and steer clear of conflict. The aim is to cocoon yourself away from negativity, crafting a sanctuary replete with lush plants, tranquil meditation music, aromatic incense, and healing crystals — a personal haven amid apocalyptic, deteriorating world.

Others, like you, will surely advise you to avoid getting involved in discussions and conflicts… to keep a distance, let the world do as it will, and focus instead on the serene. They’ll suggest you listen to music, appreciate the birds’ songs, and observe the sun’s rays filtering through dew-kissed leaves… to forget the turmoil… for the paramount task is to elevate your vibration!

…and at a certain stage, this choice to ‘avoid’ is indeed wise. While the fledgling is weak and its feathers scant, avoiding confrontation is prudent. But when the fledgling’s plumage has thickened, its wings have strengthened, and it’s ready to soar from the nest, the Master will cast it into the throes of tumultuous reality. At this juncture, you must learn to sustain those painstakingly nurtured, tenderly maintained high vibrations against all odds, facing trials such as adversity, illness, and aggression. These challenges are interspersed with deceptive highs that are even more perilous. You might suddenly find yourself in vogue, beloved by many, your name on everyone’s lips. Even then, you must guard your most precious asset — your high vibration and the ‘inner silence’ that accompanies it, what Michael referred to as the ‘inner core.’ Choosing the ‘right’ path grows increasingly challenging as the ‘easy’ one constantly skulks by your side, an invisible shadow poised to engulf you the moment you err, always understanding, always excusing — just one misstep…

This is the phase where the disciple immerses in ‘lower vibrations,’ where ‘immersion’ must not become ‘fall.’ You must delve as deep as necessary without relinquishing the spiritual luminescence — a torch passed from your Master that embeds his light within your heart. Enraptured by the Master’s purity, you may exclaim, “I am ready to carry your light into hell itself!” And with a knowing smile, he might respond, “You are already there.” For the ‘wounded angel’ must ever stand ‘where storms rage on’.

Only after you’ve endured the tempest, navigated through falls, conquered malevolent spirits, and preserved your inner angel through injuries and bleeding will the Master guide you back to the “oasis of tranquility.” In this haven, your very existence becomes a potent force capable of transforming worlds. This is the embodiment of “strength in weakness” realized. The battles and conflicts will cease. The need to choose between good and evil will dissolve, as light and dark, virtue and vice, black and white, converge in eternal divine glory. A single illuminated soul can brighten the entire world, elevating others with mere presence, with an effortless emanation of spiritual radiance. Such is the sublime expression of the 7th level “I AM” consciousness — effortless impact through mere being.

But until that, struggles remain…

For more about “Heart of an Angel” follow me at https://medium.com/gnostic-teachings-of-archangel-michael

