GNY Continues to Bring Powerful Crypto AI Insights to Mobile Users with GNYaiBOT
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2024

AI is changing how users seek information as chat style conversation becomes the dominant form of consumption. Both Google and Microsoft have announced changes to their search engines’ UX to move more towards a chat interface that reflects the experience of “chatting” with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. These innovations are also sorely needed in the world of AI-driven crypto insights. Cryptocurrencies now represent a $2.7 trillion market that is fast paced, and ever more increasingly complex.

GNY has been a trusted source of data-driven impartial insight for the crypto community ever since it launched the GNY Range Report in the depths of the previous crypto winter. Recognizing that increasingly its audience was craving rapid fire AI summaries, it has now launched an accompanying tool on Telegram, GNYaiBOT.

GNYaiBOT allows users to interface with the GNY AI engines in the direct message chat interface of the popular Telegram app. Telegram has over 700 million users, and is one of the top 10 downloaded apps worldwide. Telegram is also home to countless crypto-enthusiasts, token-specific channels, and forums dedicated to new and established markets. GNYaiBOT aims to provide on-demand support to all of these groups, no matter their interest.

The latest Version 2 release of GNYaiBOT at includes several notable upgrades, namely Intraday Readouts, User-Driven Sentiment Trends, Price & Volume Insights, and Subscription Management.

Twice daily updates arrive with the introduction of Intraday readouts
  • GNYaiBOT’s Intraday Readouts

In the dynamic world of trading, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Intraday Readouts provide real-time insights into market dynamics. With up-to-date data on price movements, volume trends, and patterns sourced directly from GNY’s Data Warehouse, traders will be armed with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions swiftly. It’s like having a seasoned analyst by your side.

By subscribing to a cryptocurrency readout within the GNYaiBOT, users receive a daily update for that crypto directly in their Telegram app at 1:00 UTC, followed by an intraday readout each day at 13:00 UTC

In the event that users need a more detailed view on any indicator or crypto they can easily jump across from the GNYaiBOT Telegram app to the GNY Range Report at

Have your say, and gauge herd sentiment with user-driven sentiment trends
  • GNYaiBOT’s User-Driven Sentiment Trends

Sentiment continues to wield immense power over the landscape of investing, — especially in the crypto realm. Sentiment often follows a herd mentality. When everyone is bullish, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) drives buying, whereas bearish panic can trigger a selling cascade. Previously, every GNYaiBOT token readout included a general market sentiment statement derived from an analysis of current charts and indicators. But now, for the first time, GNYaiBOT introduces User-Driven Sentiment Trends. Users can contribute their opinions, which will be harnessed to train our machine learning models. Long-term trends can emerge from sustained sentiment shifts, so it is vitally important to monitor this form of data.

24 hour volume and average price on demand
  • GNYaiBOT’s Price & Volume Insights

Monitoring volume and average price provides valuable insights into project adoption, market dynamics, liquidity, and potential trading opportunities. The total volume traded directly correlates with a cryptocurrency’s volatility. Higher volume often indicates greater volatility, while lower volume suggests relative stability. A sudden surge in volume may indicate increased attention or significant news related to the cryptocurrency. Sustained price momentum requires consistent volume support. This is why GNYaiBOT now allows you to call for the 24 hour volume and average price whenever you desire.

Subscribe, and create a watchlist with the click of a button
  • GNYaiBOT’s Subscription Management

Now, it’s easier than ever to subscribe, unsubscribe, and track your cryptocurrency subscriptions. Choose to receive daily and intraday readouts for up to thirteen cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, XRP, BNB, ADA, MATIC, DOGE, SOL, DOT, LTC, AVAX, LINK, and XNO — all with the click of a button.

By subscribing to a readout within GNYaiBOT, you’ll receive twice daily updates directly in your Telegram app, and when the time comes that you’re no longer invested in a particular crypto or simply lose interest in tracking it, you can easily unsubscribe with just a click.

GNY are also considering adding further cryptocurrencies to GNYaiBOT, so if you have a suggestion please feel free to connect with a team member on our the telegram channel or open a ticket on our Support Desk. The GNY team is committed to engaging with community and respond to any suggestions.


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By decentralizing machine learning functionality through the blockchain GNY is transforming how ML can be deployed, shared, monetized, and evolved.