Goodbye Ads, Hello Sponsorships

Aaron Schlesinger
Go In 5 Minutes
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2018
No more ads for the GIFM site, to enhance your screencast watching pleasure! Image credit Ashley McNamara, Gopher attributed to Renee French.

TL;DR: I am opening up sponsorships for Go in 5 Minutes, and removed ads from the site

I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago that Go in 5 Minutes is coming back. At the time, I added ads to the site to help pay for the development costs. That was almost 2 months ago. Today’s the day that the ads come down.

I’ve been experimenting with them since I wrote the post, and I have some feelings about them. I’ll be brief:

  • They’re ugly. I think they make the site look cheap. Others — including my wife, who has a keen eye for design — agree with me
  • They don’t really make money. To date, they’ve made $8.58¹. I’m sure I could do all sorts of lame and scammy things to increase clicks, but I’m just not that person and Go in 5 Minutes isn’t that project

So, I’ve taken ads off the site and I’m opening up for sponsorships.


There’s always gonna be a free “5 minutes” screencast and the accompanying code. That’s a constant in this project.

const isGoin5MinutesFree = true

So instead of ads, I’ve created a Patreon page for folks who want to sponsor Go in 5 Minutes.

If you do enjoy the screencasts, I humbly ask you to become a backer. If you do, you’ll get a rad sticker (and some other things):

This can be yours if you become a patron! Image created on

I love all for watching and being a part of our awesome Gopher community.

Keep on rockin, Gophers!

If you’re interested in learning advanced topics about Go, check out the Go in 5 Minutes screencasts. I’d also love a subscribe too!

¹ I don’t take those ad earnings for granted. Every penny is motivation, and that’s huge for me. If you clicked on an ad on, you made my life a little bit better, so many thanks to you.

