How to Hike Naked

Go Naked
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2017

It’s been called everything from Naked Hiking, Nudieneering, Free Hiking, Bare Ass Climbing, Nudes in Nature, and Naturists in Habitat, but at the end of the day it’s getting down to basics and Naked Hiking is catching on as a global trend. Next week, at the Summer Solstice thousands of hikers, nudists, and adventurers alike will head out to celebrate International Hike Naked Day.

So in the spirit of How To… Here are a few basic and universal pointers on hiking naked from a nude hiker in Spain.

A How To Video for Naked Hikers from Wilhem on Vimeo.

So as you can see it’s fairly straight forward. You’re probably thinking but is it legal? Well, technically no, but neither is smoking weed or any other illicit drug use, or spitting, or wearing a jacket and pants that don’t match — seriously it’s illegal to wear a jacket and pants that don’t match in New York State. So not everything that is illegal is bad ;) So let’s Go Naked in the woods and get some exercise in.


In addition to following the normal safety precautions when going on a hiking trip, there are a few additional tips to make a nude hiking adventure successful:

  • Hike on a weekday if possible, you will have less chance of being seen.
  • Find the trails that are seldom used so you will have privacy.
  • Hike on trails that have only one trailhead. You can check for vehicles at the trailhead to determine if you are hiking alone.
  • Hike early in the morning.
  • Wait to get naked until you’re out of sight of the trailhead and nearby roads

(You might be eager to get naked but we don’t advise getting naked right on the road)

  • Know the area and the laws pertaining to nudity where you are hiking.
  • Bring a backpack with clothing and all the supplies you need for any normal hike.
  • Apply petroleum jelly on your inner thighs to prevent rubbing and chafing.
  • Apply sunscreen and/or bug spray as applicable.

After you strip down ask a buddy to help with sunscreen, bug spray, etc.

  • Consider holding a pair of shorts or a coverup in your hand in case you hear people so you can quickly slip them on.
  • Look for trails that do not involve a lot of climbing over rocks, boulders, or slippery gravel.
  • Ask this question when choosing a trail, “can my naked body withstand a fall here?”

​Basically make sure you’re not gonna bust your ass, because who can climb like this naked dude?

  • Appear cheerful and friendly if you do meet up with a clothed hiker while you are naked.

Try not to freak out too much…


There is definitely a code of conduct to follow when you are in the great outdoors naked. When you are hiking, sunbathing, or camping nude you should do your best follow this code of conduct.

  • Respect other nudist’s privacy.
  • Be discreet wherever you are hiking.
  • Do not gawk or stare, at least not for too long.

Seriously, stop staring​.

  • Do not take any photographs without permission.
  • Never photograph children.
  • No overt sex or sexual arousal.
  • Bring a towel/wrap in case you need to cover up or sit down
  • If you find someplace to go skinny dipping, check for rocks and other obstructions before diving in


Hiking Naked is an incredible freeing feeling. It’s not legal, except through omission on federal land and a few other areas, but in much of the country as the old adage goes, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” It boils down to being smart about getting naked.

​If you’re lucky you’ll get to skinny dip halfway up and relax in the fresh waters that make life amazing. Jump in, get naked with your friends and revel in the realness.

This last video gives a basic safety tip for naked hikers. Basically, cover your bits if you’re worried about it.

So be adventurous and enjoy the great outdoors the way every other creature on earth does… GO NAKED!



NEW YORK & The Region





Go Naked

Living life naked is about living authentically.