Best Real Estate Landing Pages

Real Estate Landing Page Guide

Jonathan Zacks
Go Small Business
3 min readAug 27, 2018


Real estate landing pages are powerful tools that are easy to setup once you understand the basics. This guide will cover the essential concepts of landing pages for real estate, including great real estate landing page examples. After reading this, you’ll be able to get started using real estate squeeze pages in your real estate funnel, all for landing real estate clients! (Real estate squeeze page is another term for real estate landing page.)

Real estate lead capture landing pages are simply pages that you setup to capture leads. For example, you might use a real estate landing page as a Facebook landing page if you advertise on Facebook. When someone clicks your ad, they arrive at your landing page. The person is the lead you are trying to capture, meaning you are trying to get their contact info by having them fill out a form. The simpler and shorter the form, the more likely people will fill it out.

The real estate call to action on a squeeze page like this is usually a button, also called a CTA (call-to-action).

When someone submits the lead capture form by entering their contact info (usually name and email address) by clicking the call to action button, they are converting and counted as a conversion. This type of conversion in real estate means that people are converting from anonymous visitor to someone who gave you their contact info.

Important tips for creating the best landing page:

  • Free real estate stock photos are ok, but it’s better to have professional photographs of properties of your clients.
  • Keep the text short, unless it’s extremely useful and will help convert the reader.
  • Use a landing page builder (examples of landing page services are listed below, if you’re looking for the best landing pages software), rather than trying to start from scratch and doing custom coding. You aren’t a real estate landing page design professional, and you don’t need to be in order to create a successful page.
  • Make the call to action (CTA) button prominent and simple (for example, just “Go”)
  • Use as few form fields as possible.

Landing page services

These landing page builders and tools allow you to create a variety of types of landing pages, including templates for real estate. They all have real estate landing page templates and examples, so you can use any of them to create the best real estate landing page for you. They all have their pros and cons, there is no best landing page software, it’s just which one is best for your needs. My suggestion is to try the one that looks the simplest to you, and it will likely suit your needs!

For more info about using these pages in real estate sales funnel, check out this blog post. It has great examples of landing pages and templates, including ones that take the home value landing page route. My favorite part of that blog post is:

“The most important thing to keep in mind when writing copy for your landing page is to always keep your goal in mind. Before adding another word, always ask yourself if it will help convince your lead to fill out the form and give you their contact information. If the answer is no, leave it out.” -FitSmallBusiness

Also, if you’re not sure about squeeze page vs landing page or splash page vs landing page, you can use those terms interchangeably for now, and once you’ve got a page setup, then you can investigate the intricate differences.

Many of people who use our appointment scheduling software are real estate agents, and I hope this article is helpful for growing your businesses!



Jonathan Zacks
Go Small Business

Co-founder of GoReminders (the simplest appointment reminder service), helping businesses save time and make money.