Why We’re Supporting the Fireside Tattoo Podcast

Jonathan Zacks
Go Small Business
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2019
Fireside Tattoo Network podcast

This week we are embarking on a new path in our journey of getting the word out about our appointment reminder app, GoReminders, in hopes that we can help more businesses save time and increase revenue: Podcasts.

We are preparing to launch our own podcast, and in the meantime we‘re sponsoring other podcasts that provide useful information to people running and working in small businesses.

The first one is the latest episode of the Fireside Tattoo podcast. This podcast and its host Jake Meeks are straightforward and relatable. Jake doesn’t sugar coat small business life, nor does he glorify and exaggerate. We love his constant focus on providing useful information for tattooers. If you’re in the tattoo industry and haven’t listened to the Fireside Tattoo podcast, definitely check it out. The interviews and conversations have a lot of actionable business advice that aligns with our mission at GoReminders: saving you time and helping you make more money.

In this episode Jake dives deep into career decisions and mindset changes with Howie. They discussed topics including:

  • Working for a shop versus starting your own shop
  • Varied levels of engagement with your work over time
  • Fear and excitement of trying new techniques and taking risks

Get in touch with us if you have a relevant, useful podcast that you think would be of interest to our users. The easiest way to reach us is using live chat on the GoReminders website.

Here’s the episode:

Howie on the Fireside Tattoo podcast

You can also check out the episode on iTunes.



Jonathan Zacks
Go Small Business

Co-founder of GoReminders (the simplest appointment reminder service), helping businesses save time and make money.