3 things to think about if you’re considering Remote Year

Zoë Björnson
Go Remote
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2016
Taken at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia | Photo by Mike Chino

1. How do you work?

I’m not just referring to how you get your work done.

To be successful on Remote Year, you need to know what kind of person you are — how you work.

Can you say no? Do you need natural light? Are you a procrastinator? Do you get your best work done in the mornings? Do you have the budget to travel on the weekend? Do you hate traveling in groups? Do you love big dinners?

Whether or not you have remote work experience, knowing how you function in a variety of situations is key to figuring out if this crazy, year-long experiment is right for you.

2. Can you go with the flow?

Or do you have set expectations for anything and everything.

“Plant an expectation; reap a disappointment.”

Before you agree to going on Remote Year, it’s definitely crucial to think about what you expect of the program. But also think about if you are okay with your path changing along the way. What if a location changes due to security issues? What if you have a meeting late at night and can’t attend the welcome party in a city? Maybe you weren’t expecting to, but you have to go home for a week right when you’re in your groove.

It’s important to figure out if you can adapt when a moment demands that of you. This is key to any traveler’s success, so make sure you’ve got a flexible bone in your body before you commit to a year of the unexpected.

3. Remote Year is what you make it.

There’s no one to blame but you.

As you know, Remote Year is ✨NEW!✨ and this can be a true asset of the program. If you’re looking for a certain type of experience, chances are you can go ahead and create it.

Some key parts of Remote Year, like our dedication to positive community impact or the Remote Expertise Exchange, a platform to connect Remotes through their skills, talents, and knowledge via “office hours,” were initiatives by Remotes themselves.

If you go into the program with an idea of how you want it to turn out, you should be proactive in making that happen.

Still not sure if Remote Year is right for you? I’m happy to chat, just tweet me.



Zoë Björnson
Go Remote

Writing things. Product-ing @wearequilt | Prev: @redantler, @beyond, @aboutdotme | Did the @remoteyear thing.