RY Academy — Alumni Tell All Webinar

Remote Year
Go Remote
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2016

For our first edition of RY Academy Webinars, we invited 7 alumni of the inaugural Remote Year program to reflect back on a year traveling the world as digital nomads.

We discussed the challenges and rewards of working remotely, how they grew personally and professionally throughout the year, how they managed relationships on the road, and what they’re up to after Remote Year.

Stay tuned for next month’s webinar: From Desk Job To Remote Job!

The Panelists

Fabio Martinazzo

Mitch Mraz

Sara Cousins

Sara Cousins

Nicki Adler

David Arvan

Marc Johnson

Jeff Walsh

Remote Year brings together a community of 75 digital nomads to spend a year working, traveling and exploring 12 cities around the world. www.remoteyear.com



Remote Year
Go Remote

Remote Year brings groups of inspiring professionals to travel, live, and work in different cities around the world for one month each.