Travel Packing

Andrew Gray
Go Remote
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2018
Picture of my bags prior to Remote Year departure

Ready for that amazing trip?? You know the one!! The one where you are going to climb a mountain or maybe country hop from place to place for a few months; you have it marked in a countdown on your phone and cannot wait. My question to you is what are you going to pack, or more so how are you going to pack? Whether you are taking that short vacation / holiday or going to live remotely for a year this Blog is all for you!

The trip is planned and you are ready but now is that time when you have to start sorting out what you will bring. In my early days of travel as a United States Marine I was given a packing list and told what to take with no exceptions. This made for a pretty easy venture as far as what to bring but one of our favorite sayings was “ounces make pounds,” you are going to be lugging these bags all over who knows where so be sure to keep that in mind as you start this journey. With weight in mind, how much do your empty bags weigh? This is something to take into consideration especially when checking bags. The difference in a bag that is 7.4 lbs/ 3.35 KG and 10.3 lbs / 4.67 KG could be the difference between bringing your favorite shoes or not but can also be the difference in a couple of inches or an extra set of wheels. These are all things to take into consideration when getting ready for a trip and to pack this you need to look at your individual needs. As in what do YOU do, are you a backpacker, checking bags once and done, walking many places with the bags, checking the bags multiple times, or a global remote. For more information on bags I would take a look at this blog;

Now that we have your bag figured out (exhales) lets talk about what to get into this bag, what you should do is take your wardrobe and look at climate of where you will be first. From here you should be able to eliminate a portion of what you own, next steps are going to be deciding from these which ones are your favorite in this mixture. Once you have gone through these steps I recommend giving packing a trial run, to accomplish this you may want to have some Compression Bags (LINK HERE) on hand, this will help save space and allow for more to fit.

Once these are packed in, you will probably run into the stage of “oh shit, it doesn’t fit” that is perfectly normal and okay! All we have to do now is find out what to eliminate based off need and what you think you will wear the most. If you have time, work through your wardrobe and at the end of the month whatever you either didn’t wear or wore last just take off your packing list as needed until you have met your ideal space and weight!

To follow my travel story and journey check out my Instagram for posts and news @ Andrew.Gray31 <<Link



Andrew Gray
Go Remote

Globetrotter currently travelling the world with Remote Year, finding the best food, adventures, and people along the way!