10 reasons why the Design Sprint is the solution for your next digital project

Go Weekly
Go Weekly Insights
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2017


As a Design Sprint Studio for Enterprises, the question that we get asked most is: Does my project suit the Sprint method?

Most of the times the answer is simply: Yes!

Although the Sprint process has a fixed structure, the outcome can be quite flexible. It’s all about preparation and carefully decide who will be part of the team. Below, we’ve listed 10 project characteristics which will make it suitable for a Design Sprint. Consider it a checklist. If your project scores 50% or more you should go for it.

My project…

1. Involves many stakeholders

A Sprint is the ideal way to align a diverse set of stakeholders from different departments within the company and it’s partners.

2. Is an early stage innovation

Projects (mostly digital) that require out-of-the-box thinking and radical change depend on both strategy and creativity. The hands-on approach offered in a Sprint brings the best out of everyone.

3. Needs a kickstart

Many projects drag along for way to long before someone steps in and speeds things up. The pace of a Sprint week is something else entirely. The number of decisions made in such a short period of time is unprecedented and comes with the energy retention only a bootcamp offers.

4. Has to save money and time

Efficiency and effectiveness are key within any business. Due to it’s short time-frame, a Design Sprint not only saves time but it’s invaluable early customer feedback will save money along the way. Compressing months of time into a single week.

5. Should be agile and flexible like a startup

The Design Sprint methodology was developed and popularized by Google Ventures. And therefore, made for startups. For enterprises, it’s a way to embed a piece of the startup mentality into their own culture. It’s also a great fit to other agile (development) methods such as scrum and lean.

6. Has to be understood by managers

Many traditional stakeholders have a hard time understanding value in the digital and mobile age. The transparency and visual nature of the Design Sprint will inspire them up to the point of no return.

7. Will have to include the ideas of the entire team

The first half of the Design Sprint is based upon getting the entire team up to speed on the topic at hand and getting all their ideas on the table. Different sketch exercises will engage each and every one.

8. Should explore new business opportunities

The typical lead time and budget for a Sprint makes it possible to explore new opportunities for enabling new business models or connecting to new target audiences. Customer needs are investigated by creating prototypes instead of spending all your money on the actual product directly.

9. Is international and involves different cultures

The Design Sprint is a highly visual approach that is designed to include each and everyone. By means of sketching, drawing and brainstorming, it is inclusive by design. It flattens hierarchies and cultural differences.

10. Wants to make a dent in the universe

Companies in traditional industries that are on the verge of major changes or even revolution — think banking, insurance, telecom, retail, energy, etc. — face the difficulty of making decisions. A Sprint project has the opportunity to break through the indecisiveness and really make a difference.

Ready to get dirty?

Go Weekly is the lightweight strategic partner for Design Sprints. We translate trends and ideas into a digital prototype in one week. Looking to think ahead with us? Get in touch



Go Weekly
Go Weekly Insights

We kick-start and accelerate your innovation projects by co-creating digital product concepts with our unique and proven approach to Design Sprints.