Case: A collaboration between giants

A Concept Sprint with Europcar & Uber

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Go Weekly Insights


More often than not, solutions for complex challenges do not emerge in a vacuum. This case shows that the collaborative nature of Sprints can get even the biggest of companies to innovate together effectively.

The challenge

What does a co-created solution with transparent, quick access to affordable rental vehicles for drivers look like?

Our approach

After an Unwind session in Paris, we ran a tailored 3-day Concept Sprint in Amsterdam with additional (remote) validation with drivers in multiple countries. Involving team members from both companies.

Our solution

A vehicle rental solution tailored to drivers that recognizes their entrepreneurial spirit and need for flexibility and transparency. It aims to educate drivers on their rental options and gives them affordable access to their preferred vehicle option. A mobile application with deep integration with the platform allows for insightful data on usage and revenue.

Are you ready to find out how Sprints can help you solve your challenges? Don’t wait any longer and get in touch with our team!



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Go Weekly Insights

We kick-start and accelerate your innovation projects by co-creating digital product concepts with our unique and proven approach to Design Sprints.