Case: A new way of working

A Team Sprint with ABN AMRO Bank

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Banks are no different from other organizations — with a push towards a more agile way of working. A company-wide ambition to become more productive, effective and resilient. We’re working with the Management Team of the Corporate Communications department of ABN AMRO to make this a reality for their teams.

The challenge

How can we build future-proof teams and improve on the collaboration between teams to increase (internal) client satisfaction?

Our approach

For this project, we ran a custom-tailored Team Sprint. Working from creative spaces across Amsterdam to co-create a solution with the Management Team and colleagues on key positions within the teams.

“Their pragmatic approach and wide variety of methods creates results that kick-start a concrete next step.” — Martijn Swijghuisen Reigersberg, ABN AMRO

Our solution

We have created an outline for the new way of working in a matter of days to validate with a wider group of colleagues. Setting up a number of transparent experiments (for small and large improvements) over a period of several weeks. With scheduled reflection sessions to iterate on the proposed approach with both management and the communications teams.

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Go Weekly Insights

We kick-start and accelerate your innovation projects by co-creating digital product concepts with our unique and proven approach to Design Sprints.