Case: Increasing healthcare quality

A Concept Sprint with the local government

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De ToetsPraktijk is a small company from Eindhoven with municipal government agencies across the Netherlands as its clients. They have developed a model for rating healthcare organizations that provide government-funded care to inhabitants. Up until recently their service relied heavily on written (as in offline) forms for collecting data.

The challenge

What would a successful digital value proposition for the healthcare quality tool look like? Developed in such a way that the digitalization in itself adds value to all stakeholders.

Our approach

We involved their team and people from the municipality of Dordrecht in the Netherlands. Running a 5-day Concept Sprint Original at both their office in Eindhoven and at the town hall in Dordrecht.

Our solution

The solution involved creating prototypes for three user groups. Each with their own characteristics and requirements. A responsive website for clients, a tablet application for consultants and an full dashboard for contract managers at the local government. Enabling the collection of new data and the validation of data that is already available.

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