Case: Product portfolio expansion

A Concept Sprint with GoodHabitz

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As far as GoodHabitz is concerned, life is a learning adventure. With their online training courses, you can become the best version of yourself. They were interested to see if they could offer a useful service for students by adding some form of assessments to their product portfolio.

The challenge

How could a (gamified) assessment that students actually enjoy increase self-knowledge and promote personal development?

Our approach

We ran a 5-day Concept Sprint Original at their office in Eindhoven. A Sprint with all bells and whistles, from sketching and storyboarding to prototyping and validation with real students.

“They promote active creative behavior and thus productivity for everyone who wants to develop a product or service from scratch.” — Joost Moerdijk, GoodHabitz

Our solution

A set of quick questions spread over four rounds results in cards with useful insights and recommendations. A mobile-first experience that is fully integrated in their existing learning platform. Making use of a newly developed personal training dashboard — the topic of another Sprint.

This product has been launched and is currently available for paying customers internationally as the GoodScan.

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Go Weekly Insights

We kick-start and accelerate your innovation projects by co-creating digital product concepts with our unique and proven approach to Design Sprints.