Tracing goa Services with AWS X-Ray

Raphael Simon
Goa Design
Published in
5 min readJan 17, 2017

AWS announced the availability of X-Ray in beta as one of the many product announcements that were made at the re:Invent conference.

Like most (all?) tracing solutions AWS X-Ray follows the architecture initially described in the Google Dapper paper. It even comes with a daemon that collects the metrics locally before shipping them as described in the paper (and as opposed to something like Zipkin).

The AWS X-Ray console allows running some pretty sophisticated queries against all the traces which is probably one of the most interesting aspect. Queries can use the values of annotations attached to the traces so that one may correlate fairly easily requests with other application specific identifiers such as user IDs, session IDs etc.

After getting my hands on the bits (a simple matter of requesting access on the AWS site) I set out to try it out with goa.

Go? :(

It didn’t go very far… there are currently three AWS X-Ray SDKs: one for Node, another for Java and the last one for C#. Notably absent is Go. And that’s a problem because while the generic AWS SDK for Go does support the new X-Ray APIs, properly using X-Ray requires a lot more than simply making API requests. The client code needs to assemble the information on traces before shipping them and that takes a fair amount of work.

Building Traces

At a high level tracing requests consists of:

  • Keeping track of a unique trace ID that flows through all the services involved in serving the initial request.
  • Creating a unique segment (a.k.a span) in each service. Requests made to downstream services point back to the parent segment so the tracing service (X-Ray) may rebuild the entire tree with timing information.
  • Adding annotations and metadata to the segments. In X-Ray annotations can be used to build queries against the traced requests while metadata cannot.
  • Reporting the completion of segments.

Each service receives the trace ID and parent segment ID in the incoming request headers and reports them to X-Ray. It then creates a unique segment for the request and sends the segment ID as parent segment ID alongside the trace ID to all the downstream services in the request headers.

One case to consider here is when a service that is traced does not receive a trace ID in the incoming request. This happens when the service is an externally facing service that handles requests from external clients for example. In this case the service is in charge of generating the trace ID. Typically when running at scale it is not feasible to trace all requests — instead the algorithm that creates the initial trace ID is given a sample rate and only generates IDs for the given sample.

The goa Tracer Middleware

The new Tracer middleware implements the logic that looks for the trace and parent segment headers. If the headers are found it stores them in the request context otherwise it generates a new trace ID. It only generates an ID for a sample of requests corresponding to the percentage value given to the middleware constructor.

Both the trace ID and parent segment ID are available via the corresponding ContextXXX functions.

Integrating with AWS X-Ray

Using AWS X-Ray requires running a daemon which accepts the trace information in the form of UDP packets and takes care of aggregating multiple traces before shipping them to the AWS service.

Note: technically the daemon is not required and the traced service can make direct requests to the AWS X-Ray APIs. However using the daemon is the preferred way as it takes care of handling the aggregation of traces and timing of requests — both difficult problems to solve with no intimate knowledge of the APIs and the X-Ray service performance limits.

The traced service makes UDP requests to the daemon whenever a segment or subsegment completes. The daemon then ships the traces to AWS X-Ray in batches.

The goa X-Ray Middleware

Back to goa, writing the new xray middleware was an exercise in reverse engineering of JavaScript code as the documentation on X-Ray is still rather poor (the JSON schema for the segment type is not documented for example). The only reliable source of information is the source code for the Node.js SDK which can be retrieved via the corresponding npm package.

The middleware leverages the Tracer middleware described above to retrieve the trace and parent span IDs so it can build a segment and store it in the request context. The segment can then be retrieved using the ContextSegment function.

Using the context segment one can:

The tracer middleware also exposes TraceDoer which takes care of setting the trace headers for requests made to other traced services.

Putting It All Together

So to recap, using AWS X-Ray in a goa service requires:

  • mounting the Tracer middleware
  • mounting the X-Ray middleware
  • using TraceDoer when making requests to other traced services
  • using WrapClient when making requests to external services
  • optionally using AddAnnotation and AddMetadata to add annotation and metadata
  • optionally using Capture to trace the execution of internal modules

The xray Example

The new xray example implements two services:

  • The archiver service exposes an endpoint for archiving HTTP responses
  • The fetcher service makes a request to an external service and a subsequent request to the archiver to store the resulting HTTP response.

This somewhat artificial example exercises both external and internal requests. The code also annotates the traces with the request URL and response status code.

Here is the code that sets up the tracing middlewares in both services:

// Setup Tracer middleware
service.Use(middleware.Tracer(100, xray.NewID, xray.NewTraceID))

// Setup AWS X-Ray middleware
m, err := xray.New(“fetcher”, *daemon)
if err != nil {
service.LogError(“xray”, “err”, err)

The code sets up the tracer middleware to sample 100% of the requests.

The fetcher uses WrapClient to create the HTTP client it uses to make the external requests:

func (c *FetcherController) Fetch(ctx *app.FetchFetcherContext) error {
// Create traced client
cl := xray.WrapClient(ctx, http.DefaultClient)
// …

It also uses TraceDoer to wrap the goa generated archiver client:

// Archive stores a HTTP response in the archiver service and returns the
// corresponding resource href.
func (a *archiver) Archive(ctx context.Context, status int, body string) (string, error) {
// Wrap client with xray to trace request
c := client.New(middleware.TraceDoer(ctx, a.doer))
// …

With that setup AWS X-Ray is able to build the trace tree and service graph, pretty cool!


The AWS X-Ray SDKs all provide “plugins” that one can use to wrap requests made to backend databases or AWS services to build rich traces. This is not implemented (yet?) in the goa package.


So far AWS X-Ray seems to check all the boxes, as always though it’s going to take some time to properly understand the tool, what it’s good at and what its limitations are. But at least now it’s possible to integrate with AWS X-Ray using Go and goa. So go ahead, check out the new xray example and add traces to your goa micro-services which a few lines of code!

