The Cure for Obesity and Diabetes is Processed Food (Part 1): When the Poison is the Antidote

Dr. Cameron Sepah
Published in
8 min readSep 21, 2017


Credit: Cody Davis

Original article debuted on Actualize.

“We have a war between two food systems, a traditional diet of real food and ultra-processed food”

tweeted Dr. Robert Lustig, a fellow Professor at UCSF School of Medicine. He’s right. But I replied with the inconvenient truth few are willing to admit: “processed foods have won the war.” That isn’t to say we should be hopeless about the obesity epidemic, but we must soberingly admit our current strategy for curbing it is doomed. But there is another way. When other strategies fail, clinicians sometimes use “paradoxical interventions” where the problem is prescribed as the cure. So this is a radical manifesto about how processed foods have not only caused the obesity epidemic, but can also cure it. To paraphrase Robert Frost:

“The only way out is through.”

S.A.D.! The Standard American Diet is 2/3 Processed Foods!

Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, Dean of the Tufts School of Nutrition, and colleagues published one of the most eye-opening studies on the Standard American Diet (or what I humorously like to call…



Dr. Cameron Sepah

CEO, Maximus. Med School Professor. Executive Psychologist to CEOs & VCs.