Introducing Goal3: The First Decentralized Sportsbook on zkSync Era

Revolutionizing Sports Betting with Blockchain Technology

Goal3 Official


The Rapid Growth of the Sports Betting Industry

Sports betting is a rapidly growing industry, with global estimates ranging from $250 billion to over $1 trillion per year. The potential applications of blockchain technology in sports betting are clear: smart contracts can streamline the betting process and reduce the risk of fraud, while decentralized prediction protocols can provide increased security and transparency.

Embracing the Future of Sports Betting with Decentralization

Say goodbye to the limitations of centralized sports betting and hello to the future with decentralized sports betting. Blockchain technology offers a more secure and transparent betting experience, where intermediaries are no longer needed and the risk of fraud or mismanagement is reduced.

While centralized sportsbooks may offer fast and user-friendly interfaces, they lack the security and transparency benefits that decentralized technology provides. So why settle for a less secure betting experience when you can have the best of both worlds with decentralized sports betting?”

The Game Changer: zkSync

In 2019, zkSync was revealed by Matter Labs. This trustless scaling and privacy solution for Ethereum, based on ZK Rollup, promises high-speed, low-cost transactions with enhanced privacy and user-friendliness. With the Mainnet Alpha launch expected in the near future, zkSync is poised to bring blockchain technology to the masses.

“Scalability is not merely transaction throughput, but the overall readiness of blockchain systems to meet the demands of millions of users” — Matter Labs

With this in mind, the team at Goal3 believes that the endgame for blockchain technology is mass adoption, with speed and cost matching existing Web2 infrastructure while offering increased transparency and decentralization.

Introducing Goal3: The First Decentralized Sportsbook on zkSync Era

Goal3 is the first decentralized sportsbook built on the zkSync blockchain. The platform offers a seamless betting experience with the security and transparency of blockchain technology, enabling the next millions of users to join the Ethereum L2 solution.

Key Features of Goal3

  • Faster transaction throughput for instant bet settlement
  • VISA-scale throughput for a seamless user experience
  • “Gasless transactions” through the Paymaster feature, reducing the hassle of placing a bet
  • Simple, elegant UI that resembles a top-notch sportsbook

Autonomously Operated, Transparent, and Accessible

Goal3 aims to create a sportsbook that is autonomous, transparent, and accessible to anyone, anywhere. With closed internal testing and bug fixing underway, the platform is ready to deploy its first closed Dev-net version, with a public Test-net set to launch in February 2023.

Two Major Stakeholders: Players and Liquidity Providers

Goal3 is designed to serve two major stakeholders: sports betting enthusiasts and liquidity providers. With no house in this sportsbook, anyone can become a liquidity provider and contribute to the platform’s operations in exchange for a share of the revenue.

“We aim to create a sportsbook that is autonomously operated, transparent, and accessible to anyone, anywhere.” — Goal3 Team

Join Our Journey

Goal3 is on a mission to revolutionize the sports betting industry through decentralization. Join us on our journey and be a part of the future of sports betting. Follow Goal3 on Medium for the latest news and insights in the world of decentralized sports betting. Don’t miss out, follow us today!




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