LAM (Large Action Models)The future of AI

Jonathan Ballauri
Goalist Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2024

We all know ChatGPT and the concurrent like Bard or Midjourney they are LLM (Large Language Models) They are AI models designed to understand and generate human-like language on a massive scale. They have a high number of parameters and are trained on extensive datasets, allowing them to excel in tasks like translation and question answering.

On the other hand LAM (Large Action Models) is a AI models designed to understand human requests and take action accordingly , the model can be trained to use UI like using websites, phone applications etc…

For example you can ask your AI to order on Uber Eats your favorite food and it will do it automatically for you.

You can ask to reserve a hotel for you or order a flight for you there is lots of possibilities to make your life easier and earn time.

We can also combine this with future technology like Autonomous Driving and just ask our assistant to drive us to our workplace and it will start the process for us.

Recently a company called Rabbit presented their AI assistant called R1 that use LAM, the demonstration shows us the possibilities and it’s quite impressive.

In conclusion I think LAM is the next big leap after the LLM in AI technologies, and I think it will change our world and our lives in the future.

