9+ Free Data Studio Templates For Ecommerce

Giannis Stratakis
GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine
6 min readDec 2, 2019

Want to tell great stories about the performance of your Ecommerce? You can use these 9+ Data Studio templates in order to automate your reporting and get actionable insights about your overall digital activity.

Check the updated list of Google Data Studio Templates for 2022

9 Free Data Studio Templates For Ecommerce

1) Analytics4now

Original Post | Data Source: Google Analytics 4

The easiest way to move to Google Analytics 4 easily is by using Analytics4now, a zero-code analytics dashboard built on Google Data Studio, that uses Google Analytics 4 data with the standard interface of Google Analytics (Universal Analytics). If you spend a lot of time in the new layout of GA4 and you are tired of looking up the same pieces of information, over and over again, Analytics4now will save you a lot of time and effort.

Analytics4now — Conversion Report

Data Studio Template URL

2) Website Master Template

Data Source: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Search Console

This Master Template is a 40-page comprehensive dashboard tailored for online businesses, covering website overview, ecommerce reporting, organic and paid search performance. Apart from Google Analytics, the template uses Google Ads and Search Console in order to monitor the organic & paid presence on Google. UX wise, the report` provides easy-to-use navigation with a login page and a toggle between the YoY and PoP comparison.

Data Studio Template URL

3) Essential Google Ads Template

Data Source: Google Ads

This Paid Search Template summarizes your overall paid search activity in 10 slides, offering drill-downs to campaign, keyword, location, audience, competition, and time level. Also, you can measure your performance over time and compare it using the toggle between Year (YoY) & Period (PoP)

Data Studio Template URL

4) Ultimate Google Ads Dashboard

Original Post | Data Source: Google Ads

This Google Ads Template with a very beautiful and sophisticated menu helps you to drill down from your ads performance (campaigns, ad group & keyword) to quality score reporting and competitor insights. Moreover, it allows you to select between Ecommerce and Lead Generation analysis.

Data Studio Template URL

5) Ecommerce Revenue Template

Original Post | Data Source: Google Analytics

This template can help you monitor the revenue of your Ecommerce in one place and compare it to the previous period. You can easily view the sales trend over time, the best selling products and brands, the shopping funnel drop outs / conversions, and the revenue breakdown by channels and devices.

Data Studio Template URL

6) Search Console Explorer Studio

Original Post | Data Source: Google Search Console

A 7-slide Dashboard that includes almost everything about your Google Search Console data in all available dimensions such as search queries, locations, devices. The “jump to” menu allows you to navigate more easily your data.

Data Studio Template URL

7) All-in-one Search Console Template

Original Post | Data Source: Search Console

By using this template you can track the Organic Search KPIs over time along with the volume of indexed pages and queries on Google. Moreover, you can easily analyze the performance of your organic queries in terms of your brand (Brand Vs Generic), length (Short-tail Vs Long-Tail), and page position.

Data Studio Template URL

8) KPI Summary Dashboard

Original Post | Data Source: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Search Console

You can have a holistic view of your business, from the digital overview & main sales KPIs to content analysis. It is a very nice dashboard that includes 10 different slides, emphasizing on the performance of your default marketing channels (organic, paid, social, referral).

Data Studio Template URL

9) Enhanced E-Commerce Funnel Template

Original Post | Data Source: Google Analytics

This template shows the Shopping Behavior Funnel as appears in the ecommerce section of Google Analytics. By using it you can find the abandonment and continue rates per step of the booking funnel and identify customer behaviors in the buying process.

Data Studio Template URL

10) User Experience Dashboard

Original Post | Data Source: Google Analytics

This dashboard presents some behavior metrics and helps you to discover and analyze user pain points when it comes to UX. By drilling down you can identify actions that might solve user experience issues.

Data Studio Template URL

11) Google Analytics 4 Data Studio Template (GA4)

Original Post | Data Source: Google Analytics

This template connects with your Google Analytics 4 property and shows the evolution of your active users over time and reports their interactions across your app and website, with prebuilt events and custom conversions. Also, it monitors the purchase activity on your site/app.

Data Studio Template URL

12) Site Speed Performance

Data Source: Google Analytics

You can get useful insights about your website speed performance combined with different dimensions such as device, operating system, browser, date & time, location and visit type. Also it displays your high (less than 3 sec) and low (more than 7 sec) performing pages in terms of page load time.

Data Studio Template URL

13) The Next Ad’s Facebook Campaign Dashboard

Data Source: Facebook Ads (via Supermetrics)

You can use this dashboard in order to track the data of your Facebook Campaigns in one place. It shows the ad activity based on your objectives and campaign names.

Data Studio Template URL

14) Aro’s Data Studio Dashboard

Original Post | Data Source: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook, Search Console

This dashboard allows you to analyze 4 different data sources. You can pull meaningful insights from your paid ad activity by segmenting your data per channel, location and age group.

Data Studio Template URL

15) Google Search Console Performance Dashboard

Original Post | Data Source: Search Console

You can analyze post click data on search results and find user patterns on Google. This dashboard points out the issues that you might have with your most important queries over time. It also reports what landing pages (along with specific keywords) drive the majority of your organic traffic.

Tip: If you want to drill down your queries by brand / non brand, you can check this post.

Data Studio Template URL

16) Multichannel Attribution Dashboard

Original Post | Data Source: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Bing Ads, Google Analytics

A single page dashboard showing the paid and non-paid media performance. It provides top-level data such as spend and CPA of your channels, so you can better understand their contribution to your marketing goals.

Data Studio Template URL

Bonus: Check the Customer’s Journey on your website with the help of Data Studio.

