Best Google Data Studio Templates in 2021

Giannis Stratakis
GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine
6 min readJan 2, 2021

Here is a collection of Data Studio Templates in 2021, categorized by data source, to help you find the ones that better fit your reporting needs.

Best Google Data Studio Templates in 2021

Google Analytics

1) Website Master Template

This Master Template is a 40-page comprehensive dashboard tailored for online businesses, covering website overview, ecommerce reporting, organic and paid search performance. Apart from Google Analytics, the template uses Google Ads and Search Console in order to monitor the organic & paid presence on Google. UX wise, the report` provides easy-to-use navigation with a login page and a toggle between the YoY and PoP comparison.

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2) Conversion Funnel Template

You have spent a lot of hours and resources creating an amazing campaign; however, there are a lot of people leaving your website without making a purchase. What is causing a cart or checkout abandonment and how can it be improved? This template will help you answer this question, identify the drop off points of your products/services, and convert your visitors into customers.

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3) Template for E-commerce Store

This Data Studio template shows you all the statistics to get an overview at-a-glance. Transaction totals, revenue, products sold, and customer behavior, all in one slide to easily track the performance of your e-commerce store over time.

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4) Periodic Revenue Template

This report displays the weekly, monthly, and quarterly performance of your Ecommerce and identifies key revenue changes over time. Additionally, you can analyze the best selling products and brands and discover revenue trends for your marketing channels, user devices & location.

Data Studio Template URL

5) Complete Digital Overview For Mobile

This modern Google Data Studio template, allows you to connect your own data sources and present the data beautifully and easily on any mobile screen. While it connects to Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Search Console, you can easily customize the sources or the menu items based on your needs or even combine multiple elements on new pages.

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6) Site Speed Performance

Since Google gives priority to fast sites when it comes to search results, you need to improve your website’s page speed and performance in order to avoid high bounce rates. If you don’t, your site will pay the price when it comes to website traffic, leads, and conversions. By using this site speed report, you will get actionable insights about your website speed performance monitor your high & low performing pages in terms of page load time.

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Google Ads

7) Ultimate Google Ads Report

One of the most comprehensive Google Ads Template providing a snapshot of your Google Ads performance with a very useful drill-down menu. Leading with a scorecard section with comparisons for the previous years, this 5-page report aims to give you an overview of your conversion metrics, your audience, where and who they are, as well as the competitor trends over the last 6 months.

Data Studio Template URL

8) Google Ads Single Page Template

This Google Ads dashboard summarizes the main key performance indicators of your paid search activity in a straightforward manner in one place. By using it, you will keep an eye on the total spend across your account, realize the full potential of your Google Ads data, and increase the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

Data Studio Template URL

Facebook Ads

9) Paid Channel Mix Report

This dashboard will help you report and analyze cross-channel campaigns. The scorecards will give you useful insights on how your campaigns are performing across all your paid channels, the way they have evolved over time, and any sudden changes in their performance. A breakdown of channels by clicks, costs, and conversions will help you keep an eye on which channel performs best.

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10) Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads Dashboard Template

This template will give you an overview of your Google Ads and Facebook ads performance in a simple one-page report. The dashboard combines Google and Facebook Ads data sources and it provides insights on a channel level as well as on a campaign level. Once you copy the template you can customize it with additional dimensions and metrics.

Data Studio Template URL

11) Facebook Ads Data Studio Template

This Facebook Ads Data Studio Template will help you track the performance of your paid social media across Facebook Platforms. You will easily monitor the number of engagements your campaigns receive on a daily basis, keep every paid activity within budget by tracking the amount you’ve spent, quickly identify which ad campaigns are driving results, and measure the overall frequency and impressions of your marketing efforts. The most important feature of the dashboard is that it does not require any extra subscription.

Data Studio Template URL

Search Console / SEMrush

12) Data Studio Template for SEO

This three-page report along with a SEMrush Business subscription will give you a top-level idea of how your organic search performs. You will be able to spot any sudden changes or seasonal trends and identify whether your company’s content strategy affects the relevance of the links you attract. On the final page of the dashboard, an overview of your website’s technical health is presented.

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13) All-in-one Search Console Template

With this Search Console Data Studio Template for organic search performance, you will get a comprehensive overview of how your site is performing on the google search engine so that you can focus on the right keywords and pages to drive more traffic. You will be able to monitor branded and non-branded keywords, short tail and long tail queries, track your keyword rankings in SERP features as well as determine whether or not your pages are indexed in Google.

Data Studio Template URL

14) Keyword Ranking Tracker

With this free Google Data Studio template you can type and easily monitor your keywords ranking. The report breaks down your data by country and device. Track the performance of each of your pages and keywords your site is ranking for and compare the KPIs over time or over the previous period.

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