Heavy Carriers Cargo Drones

Volt Technology
GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine
3 min readJul 30, 2019

Autonomous cargo drones are coming ….

Federal Aviation Administration to operate commercial delivery drones in the US, through a new subsidiary called UPS Flight Forward.

Today there are dozens of companies implementing drone delivery service in the world. The most large scale examples, are Amazon, Uber, UPS, Google, DHL and etc.

Most of them are targeting small and medium-sized drone service delivery. They are working on a fast delivery service. In local areas, drones can deliver goods in 15 minutes and deliver to the doors.

Today, there is a new player operating a new service. This is the plane — sized autonomous delivery vehicles is capable of carrying hundreds of pounds for hundreds of miles. They are called cargo drones.

Cargo Drones in same time fast can carry heavy goods and environmentally friendly. The difference between truckloads of goods schedule is settled and the track should be full until deliveries. In the case of the cargo-carrying drones, they can offer the same speed and reduced carbon footprint. They are covering large scale territory to deliver heavy parcels. Companies can use one main distribution center and reduce distribution centers. They are flexible to drive the parcel in difficult arriving areas.

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For example, Boeing’s cargo air vehicle weighs 747 pounds, has eight rotors that allow for vertical flight, and can carry payloads of up 500 pounds.

California-based startup Sabrewing is working on a prototype that can achieve speeds of up to 180 knots (207 miles per hour) with a cruising altitude as high as 22,000 feet.

Another startup, Natilus, is working on a 30-foot prototype that’s about the size and weight of a military Predator drone.

All these companies are getting ready to deliver heavy drone service by 2020. Another company Elroy Air’s is also in the stage of trials, they are hoping to deliver medical supplies during disasters and remote military deliveries.

Morgan Stanley estimates that autonomous urban aircraft could become a $1.5 trillion industry by 2040. That includes everything from vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft, flying taxis, military unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and delivery drones.

Another US company UPS announced it has submitted an application to the Federal Aviation Administration to operate commercial delivery drones. They already had tested, being couriering lab samples around the WakeMed hospital campus in Raleigh, North Carolina.

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