How To Turn Your LinkedIn Into A Profitable Business

GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine
9 min readDec 7, 2021

A presence on LinkedIn is essential if you are trying to grow your business. LinkedIn is the leading business-focused social media site. According to Hoot hoo, the site has over 675 million monthly visitors and 30 million businesses. LinkedIn is a must-have in any social media marketing strategy. LinkedIn is an excellent resource for connecting with corporate executives, decision-makers, and high-earning individuals. However, many people still consider LinkedIn to be nothing more than a glorified job search engine. This professional social networking site is also a fantastic tool for B2B marketing. It’s where you can create leads and increase sales with both B2B and B2C customers.

If you are getting started on LinkedIn, here are a few quick tips to help you get things moving in the right direction.

Buff Up Your Profile

Make sure your profile is appealing to attract the target sales leads. Add all your business details, a high-resolution logo and cover picture, a link to your website, and the ability to publish changes from your page. In your own words, explain why you are the best in your field and what you do to assist others. You should include video testimonials from your satisfied customers, along with a link to your website. With other helpful information — anything that encourages them to contact you. Because, like Google, LinkedIn is a search engine, add SEO keywords that apply to your company. Linkedin algorithm prioritizes keywords in your headline, job titles, and skills sections.

Use Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a paid solution that begins at $64.99 a month and is used to generate sales leads. View who has seen your profile, send 20 InMail messages every month, save 1,500 sales leads, and much more with the Extended LinkedIn network option. Sales Navigator is essential for building a company on LinkedIn.

Once you have come into contact with a sales lead, you need to build a genuine relationship with them. You have to get to know them, find out what keeps them up at night, and be clear and straightforward about what you expect to achieve. Ask for what you want, and be of service. It is hard to find somebody not busy anywhere, but do you know what makes people stop and listen? So long as it is in their best interests. Because you already have a broad understanding of the needs before speaking with a prospect, you should be able to tell them how you can assist them. Start with that. And, if possible, support it with facts, case studies, and testimonials.

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Get a Premium Account

Sales Navigator is an excellent tool for small businesses, but if you do not have the money to pay for it, so at least establish a LinkedIn Premium account, which costs $29.99 per month.

With a free account, most individuals can be very productive on LinkedIn.

But, they often use restrictions on the number of searches per calendar month and the opportunity to check who has visited your profile reasons for upgrading to a Premium account.

Work on your recommendations.

Getting as many recommendations as possible is a simple strategy to improve your reputation. The more recommendations you get, the more evidence you have that you are an expert people can trust. The simplest approach to gaining recommendations is to ask for them. It is easy to use the Request Recommendations tool, but be sure to customize the default message for your audience.

I need your help. For example, maybe a straightforward subject line for those you know well. Do not use the phrase “you are not alone” in this situation. You may make your friends anxious. For those you do not know as well, give them a reference point to help them remember. In terms of the message, keep it brief and to the point. Acknowledge how much you appreciate their input as an excellent approach to start your communication. Vanity may be a powerful driving force. What if your requests for recommendations go unanswered? Begin drafting letters of recommendation for people you know. You will be astonished at how many people will return the favor.

Generate Leads, Drive Conversions

LinkedIn can help you create leads and convert customers, whether your company is B2B or B2C.

Consider: LinkedIn members have a lot of purchasing power. A whopping 44% make more than $75,000 every year. If you have a product to sell, LinkedIn can help you discover buyers.

LinkedIn can help you locate new clients: LinkedIn has 40 million members in decision-making positions. That means they have the power to employ your agency, license your software, or place a bulk purchase for your product.

You may build strategic alliances in the following ways: Senior-level influencers account for 61 million LinkedIn members. Of course, you may accomplish this naturally or by upgrading to a Sales Navigator plan.

Receive the following benefits with a Sales Navigator plan: Insights into your existing leads (including company growth, job changes, and more)

You may use advanced search features to find decision-makers.

Get lead suggestions sent to you automatically.

Use LinkedIn for online reputation management.

Having total control over all the results that display on Google’s first page of search results when a consumer searches for your business name is the first step in managing your online reputation.

While you want your website’s content to rank, it is also a good idea to claim as many social pages as possible in your business name, even if you do not intend to be highly active on them. That is because social media accounts, including LinkedIn profiles, nearly always appear on the first page of search engine results for a company (or individual) name. Be sure to develop a business page for your organization. If only to capture that coveted space in the SERP. Gaining as much SERP real estate as you can is a tremendous advantage. Your website and social media accounts might send any negative PR to the second page of search results if you ever have any.

Do not forget the SEO benefits.

Both Google and Bing will index your profile page if you make it public.

Take the time to enhance your summary by replacing “I” or “me” with your complete formal name. You may also wish to provide links to websites where you want to draw attention. If you have a website biography page, link to it there, too, so that people may find your LinkedIn profile more easily. You are now prepared to advertise your business on LinkedIn. While having a strong LinkedIn profile is critical, it is just the beginning. LinkedIn provides a plethora of options for increasing interest in and traffic to your business, so make use of them.

Interact with other people’s content.

If you want to get the most out of LinkedIn’s networking potential, you need to do more than just post content. You need to engage with people and form meaningful relationships. Commenting on other people’s work is just as important as sharing your own. Ensure that you react to any comments you get when you publish your material.

Engage in conversations by asking questions.

Offer suggestions. Ask for recommendations.

Become an active member of LinkedIn groups related to your industry.

Devote Time to It Every Day.

LinkedIn, like other social media platforms, is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You will enjoy the advantages if you devote time to it regularly, even if it is just for a few minutes. LinkedIn is a very effective platform that will give you back what you put in. Commit to going there every day if you believe it is suitable for you. Starting with two daily workouts of 15–20 minutes each is ideal.

Use LinkedIn as a Publishing Platform.

For content writers, LinkedIn is a fantastic resource. You may use LinkedIn as a native publishing platform and develop unique material for your LinkedIn audience. Besides posting status updates and linking back to information on your site. LinkedIn is the only social networking network that allows you to write articles. You may ask why I post on LinkedIn rather than straight to my blog or website.

That is an excellent question.

Instead of driving traffic to your site, publishing an article on LinkedIn aims to increase social interaction on LinkedIn and raise awareness of your business. Your LinkedIn friends get alerts whenever you publish an article, which is an enormous benefit. Consider: 45% of LinkedIn article readers hold positions of authority (managers, VPs, directors, and C-suite).

Move your business forward with content marketing.

With this all-in-one content marketing toolbox, you can improve your online presence, attract new consumers, and increase revenue. LinkedIn also gives you metrics for all your articles, making it simple to see which ones are gaining the most popularity.

Become a Thought Leader

Those who use the platform want to build their network and get help from others. They also want to find jobs and qualified candidates for those jobs. Because of that, business owners who use the platform correctly have a unique chance to make themselves and their company thought leaders, which can help them make money. They show off their knowledge and network, build and nurture more personal relationships through technology, and use this to find, attract, and nurture leads. To be successful, both on and off LinkedIn, you need to make sure your account is well-designed, connect with people, and focus on sales leads. You also need to build a business on the site, and you can do this quickly if you follow these steps.

Create your own LinkedIn group.

LinkedIn has a huge number of online groups. Joining and participating in a LinkedIn group is a simple way to build your credibility through comments and discussion posts, which many people do. Creating and maintaining your online group can be a great way for savvy professionals who are willing to put in the time. If you build it right, it can pay off big time in terms of money.

What makes having your own group so great is the free email broadcast tool you get. This option is under “Manage.” There is a way to send out a public announcement. LinkedIn allows you to send email broadcasts to your group members once every seven days for free.

To make it easier for others to learn about your business, LinkedIn just launched company pages.

During the process of updating your Products & Services page, think about adding interesting special offers for people who visit and recommend your LinkedIn company page. And, of course, do not forget to promote your business page through LinkedIn email, group conversations, group announcements, and status updates.

The value of LinkedIn is you.

LinkedIn has a lot of powerful tools that you can use to improve your business-to-business marketing. Here are just a few of the many ways you can connect with the right people.

The tools and customers are already there. You are the only thing that is not there yet. No matter how much money LinkedIn makes, start making money for your business while the rest of the world looks at its stock price.


People use LinkedIn for a lot of different things, like growing their network, managing their online reputation, scaling their business, or getting valuable social traffic to their site. It can also help you find and nurture leads.

The best way to find out about these opportunities is to set up a LinkedIn page for your business. Even though you spend more time on other social networks, you should do this as soon as possible.

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GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine

David is a writer, digital marketer, and entrepreneur who think of changing the world through information. Following a BSc in Business Administration