3 Reasons Why You Should Let A Design Agency Do It For You

AJ Benederio
GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine
4 min readAug 6, 2018

You have this business for a few years now. Everything is working well, you got good numbers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. This allows your audience to ask you things like “Can you do this X of service?” “What’s your opening hours?” “How much would it cost for this X?” which gets repetitive and irritating. You pondered on it and thought, a website would address the situation and give you more legitimacy as a company. But you decided to do it yourself and once done, you realized it was a big mistake.

You might say why hire someone else when I can do it myself with the presets the hosting site has. That’s okay too, but there are still reasons why hiring a design agency is worth it.

1. It saves you time, and a lot of it

Creating a website takes more than just design. You have to do several things before even doing that. There’s strategy, user experience, prototypes, design, then development; not to mention the studies that goes into each step.

In order to put it online, you have to search where to buy a domain name, a web host, or a CSM that fits your requirements. You see the picture now? Doing all these things will take several weeks to months. You can always try and tackle things yourself, but instead of focusing on the needs of your business and customers, you will be stuck on your computer figuring things out.

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2. It will save you money

Doing the website on your own may seem like a good idea because you don’t have to hire someone else. However, you might not be able to translate what your company is about, which a design agency can do. Eventually you’ll end up hiring someone which means you’ve wasted that time you made the website up on your own. Consider it as an investment. I’m not saying that you can’t do it, but eventually you’ll see that it will all go back to creating more value for your business. Including great design build on your strategy means it has the potential to bring in more customers.

3. Reduced risk

I think this one is often overlooked by business owners. Everything you put on the internet is vulnerable. Everything. Now i’m not trying to scare you here, okay? Hiring a design agency reduces the risk of your system being compromised because they have a team that makes sure the behind the scenes of your website is secured and going smooth. You won’t have to worry about your data being easily compromised and you can sleep soundly at night.

In some cases, usually financially speaking, it might make more sense to do things by yourself. Trying things on your own is never a bad thing. But sometimes, you have to know when to delegate a task and focus on what you’re good at. When it comes to your business, always think of the value it can bring rather than the cost. And when choosing a design agency there are things you should consider too. Let’s be real. Not all design agencies are equal. Some are fantastic, some are meh. So make sure to get to know them first.

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