Online to Offline(O2O) Commerce

Abhinav Tyagi
GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine
6 min readMar 14, 2019


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In 2015, e-retail sales accounted for 1.7 percent of all retail sales in India, this figure is expected to reach 4.4 percent in 2019. With the growth of local commerce on the Web, the links between online and physical commerce are becoming stronger. By the end of 2018, worldwide e-commerce sales surpassed $2.8 trillion*. 82.5% of all retail sales globally will still happen inside physical stores as late as 2021. And yet, online sales only represent 11.9% of the global retail market.This gap has come to be known as the “Trillion Dollar Opportunity” in media outlets like The Wallstreet Journal, Inc., Forbes, and more.

The total e-commerce sales as a percent of total retail sales in India would be close to 5% by 2019. Most of the disposable income is spent locally. You spend money at coffee shops, bars, gyms, restaurants, gas stations, plumbers, dry-cleaners, and hair salons.



Abhinav Tyagi
GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine

I am a product manager by profession in Indian Fintech space. Love to read and write about fintech in India and my personal travel & life experiences