Role Of E-COMMERCE Applications In Business Growth

Priyanka Patil
GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine
7 min readJul 6, 2020

E-commerce is the most preferred way to trade goods and services. Today more and more people prefer to buy articles through the internet and assistive technologies. Key factors driving this e-commerce revolution are social media, advances in e-commerce application development, an increasing emphasis on mobile commerce, and other digital modes. The role of e-commerce applications is very important here.

We can help you get your business up and running before looking into the path of e-commerce applications. Let’s look through the basics first.

What are E-Commerce Apps?

E-commerce applications are a bit misleading terminology because it leads to two possible understandings: one, where e-commerce is used as a marketing medium; Retail and wholesale; Auction; E-banking; Booking, and so on.

The second idea of a software application such as Amazon, eBay, Group, etc. It can be a web application or a mobile application (now called m-commerce applications).

Related-Turn E-Commerce Store Into Mobile Commerce App

Types of E-Commerce Applications

We may classify e-commerce apps in many forms, but here we present a definition that is aligned with the growth of e-commerce for mobile apps.

1. B2B (Business- to — Business)

The B2B eCommerce application concerns the delivery of goods and services between two businesses. Therefore, the products they sell to become the raw material for another industry. Mobile apps that offer vehicle spare parts, computer components, etc.. fall into this category of applications.

2. B2C (Business to Two Consumer)

This represents the majority of the mobile apps we use today. It connects a business that provides a product or service to an individual customer. The affair here is direct with the consumer.

3. C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer)

This is where two or more users exchange. The best example of such transactions are applications that facilitate the auction of products.

4. C2B (Consumer-to-Business)

Although these types of applications are few, agencies such as Clutch and GitHub are laying the groundwork for such opportunities. Designers, content writers, or professionals in various fields can present their masterpieces to businesses through such C2B e-commerce applications. If you have such wonderful mobile app ideas, don’t wait and start working on them.

Why do you need eCommerce apps for your business?

According to, the number of consumers making digital means to shop for their needs will exceed 65% by 2021. This is the only good reason to turn our business into e-commerce applications. Another reason is that by the end of this year, about 75% of the US population will be smartphone users.
The well-designed e-commerce app lets you take advantage of your opponents. It does that by offering:

1. Mobility

You can’t move your store from one city to another, but you can refer to a smartphone user. And it’s possible in a matter of seconds with the simple share button from the United States to Japan, Finland to Papua New Guinea. This is the power of mobile apps. It adds significant infinity mobility to your store, big or small, in size.

2. One-to-one marketing

Before the development of the e-commerce app, it was impossible to imagine that you could market to everyone in a town. But today it is possible. The other side of it is that you can target the customer one by one. New analytics tools like Big Analytics and others in the stream help you reward, persuade, and win customers who are most loyal to you and influence new people.

3. Fast payment

E-commerce applications come with built-in features such as in-app payments. An eCommerce app will help your customers get easy refunds and pay you faster. They are amazed when it comes to an app. An amazing cashback offer is great !!!

4. Need to fit

How often can you manage your shopping complex? Probably in a year, at most a quarter. Imagine being able to do this every week or even if your resources allow it on a daily basis. A new look is waiting for your customers every day. Well, it’s only in a mobile app. You can get and turn into actions. What better way to build brand loyalty?

Now, let’s move to the main question...

How are E-commerce Applications Helping You to Grow Your Business?

It’s easy because we have a piece of the eCommerce application. You just need to collect it, add it one by one, and then you have the answer. Allow us to help make things more transparent.
The Internet can simplify many things, but never alter the basic principles of smart marketing-the the basic principles of 4 ps marketing. Products, prices, promotions, and place in the same. 4P Marketing is a mix, and the more your business adheres to it, the more successful it is going to be.
Since the mobile app is a replica of a current site, it is highly optimized, customized, and well-designed, which greatly enhances user engagement and encourages the acquisition and retention of new clients. They find themselves in a convenient online store where they can pick up items and buy without the hustle.

Here Are Some Of The Main Benefits Of a Mobile Shopping App On A Responsive Website:

Users get more freedom when using apps from any time and from any place.
Loading time. Application pages load faster, so they turn in more clients. In retail, managers must realize that seconds are counted. If it takes more than three seconds to load, most visitors will leave the site and they will come to competitors.

  • Personalized content. Shopping preferences and previous orders can be saved in the app, which is the basis for personalized offerings.
  • Offline access. The best e-commerce apps can provide customers with basic functionality (compare products, check prices), even offline, using the full power of a smart device.

1. Brand recognition

Mobile apps enable close interactions between brands and consumers. For example, users willingly share links to their favorite sites, ask for feedback, and explain their customer experience on social networks. You can integrate popular social media platforms into your app to allow customers to discuss your products and services.

These are effective tools to improve the credibility of your company, promote your service, and draw the attention of potential customers.
Moreover, mobile users have amazing opportunities to get push notifications with special offerings, discounts, and rewards. This means they can save money, so from a psychological perspective, they are more likely to interact with such stores on a regular basis.

2. Better efficiency and increased earnings

As a rule, mobile apps are more flexible and user friendly. Although their implementation is costly, they can pay off quickly and increase sales. Correlation is simple: a good app with the right concept and functionality will bring in more clients; More clients will lead to more orders, and as a result, your revenues will increase.

In addition, push notifications are a cheap and effective channel to increase sales and maintain a brand. With push notifications, you can instantly deliver the information your customers need and motivate them to place immediate orders.

3. Detailed Analytics

It is easy to collect and track data in the app. Mobile Activity lets you monitor user interaction and give you useful information about specific content and features, such as feedback, session length, audience composition. It helps to provide improvements and updates, create personalized content, develop an advanced marketing strategy, and effective marketing campaigns. Utilize mobile analytics.

4. Contactless payments

Due to the invention of mobile contactless payment technology, personal smartphones can now replace cash and credit cards. Payment apps offer convenience, speed, and security. At checkout, you do not need to get a wallet out of your bag to pick up coins, notes, or credit cards.

Also, Read-How Blockchain Wallet Can Secure Online Payments?

How much does it cost to create a mobile e-commerce app?

The cost of developing an e-commerce project has many components. To estimate the approximate cost of your future solution, you need to consider all of them.

  • Development costs
  • Salary for developers, project managers, designers, and QA engineers
  • Infrastructure
  • Web Services
  • Social Media Integration
  • Additional costs
  • Support
  • Marketing
  • Notifications
  • Updates

The cost also depends on the development stage:

iOS apps can be built faster, so they are cheaper compared to Android projects
Android apps are expensive and take longer to build
The complexity of the project should also be considered. Approximately, development costs can range from $ 1,000 for a typical iOS app, to $ 150,000 for complex apps.


Digital commerce is a large ecosystem consisting of customers, vendors, marketing activities, and technologies. Today, building an e-commerce mobile app is a necessary step for sales organizations.

It’s best to have an e-commerce website when the project goes live.It checks how the business concept works and provides market information. The website is not enough to further develop and conquer a wider audience. This is the main argument for online retailers to create relevant mobile e-commerce applications. They help to attract more clients, increase revenue, and gain significant market share.

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Priyanka Patil
GoBeyond.AI: E-commerce Magazine

Determined Topic Researcher, little Curious to know better in what am doing, in the part, shared the ideas, and context by saving as writing