Exclusive Collection of Digital Art Curated by Sylvia Barrero to be minted as NFTs on the GoChain Blockchain

5 min readMay 14, 2021


Barerro through her collaboration with GoChain will work with an initial group of eight leading artists hailing from Latin America to mint an exclusive collection of digital art as NFTs on the Zeromint marketplace

RENO, NV / BOGOTA, COLOMBIA — May 14, 2021 — An exclusive collection of digital art, curated by Sylvia Barrero, co-founder of Artrade.co, one of the largest online galleries in South America, will be minted as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on Zeromint, a new global NFT marketplace, which runs on the GoChain blockchain. The curated collection represents work from leading Latin American artists, who have exhibited their artwork in galleries worldwide including in London, Miami, Mexico City, and Tokyo, and have collaborated on projects with leading fashion designers, famous brands, and multinational companies. Barerro through her collaboration with the GoChain Foundation seeks to explore how blockchain technology particularly through NFTs can support and bring greater awareness to artists in Latin America.

Among the cadre of artists is Andres Kal, a visual artist from Bogotá, who focuses primarily on contemporary fine art and female portraits. Andres’ work has been described as capturing “the perfect moment”, when subjects are in an introspective state, unaware of their surroundings, lost in thought. His collections have been showcased in Vancouver, Hong Kong, Miami, Mexico City, and London. Andres has also been featured in the Arit magazine and previously collaborated with brands including Grolsch Brewery.

Colombian illustrator and designer Pegatina, who works mostly with stains and collages, will also showcase his art. Pegatina creates imaginary worlds through his characters, which have been featured in TV and fashion collections from brands such as Vans. In 2019, during Pegatina’sMañé Criollo” tour, Pegatina’s work was featured for 32 days in various European cities including Barcelona, Paris, Berlin, Milano, Toulouse, and Marsella.

Sylvia Barerro was born in Bogotá, Colombia. At an early age, Sylvia was captivated by art and by her teenage years was already advancing her entrepreneurial career in art. Sylvia is primarily known for her appearances in SharkTank Colombia and Discovery H&H to promote Artrade.co. Her artwork, however, has also been featured in London, Miami, and Bogotá. Sylvia’s pieces are colorful explosions, which include landscapes and nature scenes, which she cherishes. Her work has been described as an escape from the hectic world, enabling the viewer to attain a new emotional state and to create an inner sense of peace and order.

“As an art marketplace, a few years ago we were looking for a better way to create digital certificates of authenticity for Artrade’s clients. We came across blockchain and knew it was the best option to register each artwork, but back then we wondered about the possibility of tracing each piece in case it was sold again. Then NFTs came along and not only digital art pieces became “unique”, allowing very talented creators to become part a thriving market, but now artists can also earn royalties after any art owner decides to resell its art piece”

— Sylvia Barerro, Co-Founder Artrade.co

Colombia has a vibrant art scene and is among the best destinations on the planet to discover art. We’re honored to have the opportunity to work with Sylvia and local artists to explore how blockchain technology can be leveraged to benefit artists in Latin America and globally.

— Henry Ines, CEO GoChain

Today’s announcement follows similar news by GoChain and Zeromint, which recently auctioned and sold NFTs by Sueco the Child and other artists during the Spring Music Festival in Utah in April 2021. US-based not-for-profit Fins Attached and professional esports team Mazer Gaming have also announced plans to collaborate with GoChain to mint NFTs on the Zeromint marketplace. GoChain continues to be active in advancing the adoption of blockchain technology in Latin America and beyond. Recent announcements include GoChain’s work with ProNatura Noroeste to support local fishers and seafood sustainability in Mexico; as well as GoChain’s partnership with Lexia Abogados to kick off CryptoLab, a six-month program that enables enterprises in Colombia and regionally to learn, explore, and ideate on blockchain solutions in a sandbox environment for potential blockchain piloting & POC purposes.

About GoChain Foundation

GoChain believes in driving the adoption of impactful technology for the betterment of society and our habitat. The GoChain Foundation partners with companies in all industries to quickly launch and manage their own scalable, low-cost blockchain solutions, run distributed applications and to deploy smart contracts. At 1,300 transactions per second, GoChain’s network is the fastest, most reliable, web3 based public and private blockchain protocol. GoChain’s Proof of Reputation (PoR) consensus algorithm relies on a decentralized consortium of Fortune 500 companies, NGOs, and nonprofits to validate transactions. GoChain also supports its designated public cryptocurrency, which has the ticker symbol GO. For more information, visit gochain.io or follow GoChain on LinkedIn and Twitter.

About Zeromint

Near zero emissions. Near zero carbon footprint. Zeromint is the greenest place to mint and trade one-of-a-kind NFTs. We aim to attract and curate some of the most unique digital NFTs, which are not only rare and in high demand but also provide NFT owners with memorable offline experiences and opportunities for real-world impact. Whether you are an artist, musician, enterprise or not-for-profit, have comfort in knowing that you are minting NFTs sustainably on the greenest blockchain on the planet — the GoChain blockchain.

