GoChain Darvaza Upgrade — Increase and burn fees

Jordan Krage
2 min readMar 8, 2021


The GoChain Darvaza fork has been scheduled for block number 17,900,000, which will be signed on Wednesday March 17th at around 2pm UTC.

This fork implements two recently voted in GoChain Improvement Proposals:

  • GIP-29 — Increase minimum gas price by 1000x
  • GIP-30 — Burn all transaction (gas) fees
Darvaza Gas Crater: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Darvasa_gas_crater_panorama.jpg

You can read more about these proposals in the links above, but the primary purpose of these two improvement proposals is raise the cost of using the network to a reasonable level and reduce inflation. The current transaction prices are simply too low. A regular transfer transaction is currently 0.000042 GO or $0.0000009. Even at 1000x, a transaction is still only a fraction of a penny so it will continue to be one of the most cost efficient blockchains for you to build on. Burning the increased transaction fees will then reduce inflation substantially and potentially cause deflation. Inflation occurs when validators sign a block and get a block reward, just like Bitcoin and other blockchain networks where “miners” get the rewards for signing a block.

There are some actions that may need to be taken to take into account these changes:

Developers Using GoChain

If you are asking for the suggested gas price from an upgraded node, such as the GoChain JSON-RPC API at https://rpc.gochain.io, you shouldn’t have to do anything. The increase will be picked up automatically.

If you have set a fixed gas price or a maximum gas price, you will need to change that to be above 2000 gwei. If you multiply whatever you currently have set by 1000, you should be good.

If you are not sure how gas price is being set, you can experiment on the GoChain testnet, where the fork is currently live. You can read more about the testnet in our docs.

Node Operators

Node operators (signers and others) must upgrade ahead of time to continue processing through the fork. GoChain version 3.4.3 or later is required. In most cases, no further action is necessary. However, nodes which override the default gas price parameters with values below the new minimum (2000 gwei) will have to be reconfigured.

Other users of the GoChain network typically won’t need to take any action.

