GoChain MainNet is Live!

2 min readMay 22, 2018


We’re happy to announce that the GoChain MainNet is live! A lot of hard work went into creating a stable network that is able to carry a sustained load of 1,300 transactions per second, 100x the maximum capacity of Ethereum. A big shout out to our amazing engineering team for making it happen, they are truly rockstars. Join our Telegram if you have any questions.

Fun fact: The GoChain testnet processes the same amount of transactions in one week as the lifetime of Ethereum transactions: 185,436,845. That’s all Ethereum transactions ever, in one week.

Remember, GoChain is 100% Ethereum compatible so this means you can deploy your DApps, smart contracts and ICO’s to GoChain to get a 100x performance improvement, using the exact same code and the same tools you already use. Sounds like a no brainer to us. 😉

Mainnet Links and info:

What’s Next?

Our priorities now are:

  • Onboarding new/existing projects, dapps — We have several promising projects we are in active conversation with shifting over, and launching on GoChain. From a business operation perspective, these conversations are private and take time. Expect to see lots of news and announcements over the next few weeks.
  • Vetting and adding new nodes — We’ve had tremendous interest in companies hosting nodes. We are reviewing 25+ applications and the foundation will be following up in the coming weeks.
  • Speaking at and attending conferences and events — spreading the word that GoChain has solved the Ethereum scalability issues on-chain (without resorting to side-chains or sharding) and that it’s ready for use right NOW! We will be attending the Blockchain International Show in London June 6–7 for some networking and meeting with our good friend CryptoJack at his inaugural London Meetup! We are looking into booth space at Blockchain Expo in beautiful Amsterdam June 27–28th and will be sponsoring the BuildEth developer conference in San Francisco on June 28th. More details to come!

For legal and regulatory reasons, we cannot discuss exchanges. Please refrain from asking questions about exchanges. Thank you for respecting this important regulatory aspect, any official announcements would come via our social channels.

More info at https://gochain.io
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