GoChain Partners with PrimaBlock for Full Integration

2 min readAug 13, 2018


GoChain is pleased to announce our strategic partnership with PrimaBlock, the #1 blockchain service for crypto pooling. As PrimaBlock’s first cross-chain strategic partnership, GoChain will be fully integrated into their services offering first class support for both GoChain to GoChain pooling and Ethereum to GoChain pooling.

What does it mean for PrimaBlock users?

PrimaBlock technology now enables investors to pool funds for GoChain based ICOs both in ETH and GO, bridging the two chains as well as porting their entire technology to the GoChain network. Specifically users will be able to make investments:

Ethereum to GoChain Contribute to ICOs with ETH while receiving GoChain based tokens ( i.e. ETH >GO-20).

GoChain to GoChain Contribute to ICOs in GO while receiving GoChain based token ( i.e. GO>GO-20).

Why did PrimaBlock pick GoChain?

Being 100% Ethereum-compatible, GoChain makes it easier to roll out PrimaBlock’s cross-chain technology. They believe our team is composed of experienced engineers guided by skilled and driven founders, tackling one of the most significant issues of current blockchain technologies, scalability, while retaining support for smart contracts and decentralized applications. We’ve expressed interest to support developers and new applications, as well as signing strong partnerships regarding upcoming ICOs.

“We have a few projects in the pipeline which will push the limits of what’s possible in the decentralized application space. Our cross chain integration with GoChain is an example of one of those projects.”

— Tamir Sen, CTO @ PrimaBlock

The GoChain team is thankful for PrimaBlock’s support and interest in partnering to make crypto pooling easy and accessible. We look forward to deepening our relationship with them as time progresses. More details to come as implementation nears later this month.

You can read PrimaBlock’s Press Release here.

Learn more about PrimaBlock: https://primablock.com/

