GoChain Testnet is Live and Load Test Results!

2 min readMar 19, 2018


~1300 transactions per second over 10 hour load test

We’re happy to announce that the GoChain testnet went live today! We’re on schedule with our roadmap and hitting our targets faster than we expected.

We’ve spent months optimizing and testing, and we’re proud to say we have hit our initial goal of 1300 transactions per second, 100x more than Ethereum. Remember, GoChain is Ethereum compatible so this means you can use GoChain for your DApps, smart contracts and ICO’s and get a 100x performance improvement just by switching to GoChain, using the exact same code and the same tools.

Day 1 Load Test Results

We did a live load test on the testnet for all our Telegram members to see (join our Telegram to be notified when we do the next one). We ran it for 10 hours and observed sustained transaction rates between 1100–1500 transactions per second giving us a nice average rate around 1300 tx/sec.

We’ll be doing these load tests often so stay tuned. We’re also pushing lower rates through 24/7 (~750tps) to make sure we have a rock solid network when the mainnet goes live in May.

Want to try it out?

Message an admin on our Telegram and we’ll get you setup.

What’s Next?

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